3: Test

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I sat on the counter praying that the results would show soon. The anticipation was killing me with every passing second. All I could do was sit and wait quietly.

I got up and peeked through the door and saw that Yoongi was still asleep. Good. He didn't need to know about this unless the results were positive. If everything went as planned he would never need to know.

I left the bathroom and went back to sit on the end of our shared bed. I looked down at him and admired the look of his face when he was sleeping. He always looked so at peace. No wonder he sleeps so much.

Sighing, I brushed his hair out of his face. The slow rise and fall of his chest seemed to calm me down. I sat with him for a little longer before going back into the bathroom to check the test. I had my fingers crossed that is was negative. I took a deep breath before looking at the results.


Instantly my knees buckled and I landed on my ass. My heart was beating so hard it hurt my chest. I covered my mouth with my hands when it finally started to sink in. My hands muffled my sobs but nothing could stop the river of tears flowing down my cheeks.

Time felt like it had stopped. I felt completely frozen in fear of what I would have to say to Yoongi. We had only been together for over a year. We weren't prepared for this at all.

I removed my hands from my mouth and pulled my knees up to my chest so I could rest my head. I wrapped my arms around my legs and curled into a ball hoping that would somehow get me out of this mess.

I was so busy with my panic that I didn't even hear Yoongi enter the bathroom. "Fuck. What's wrong?" His voice was quiet and horse since he had just woke. I knew I wouldn't be able to say anything so I just sobbed harder and weakly pointed to the test on the counter. I hid my face. I didn't want to see his reaction. "Y-you're pregnant?" I could hear the fear in his voice. He pulled me close to him and I cried against his bare chest. "It's alright... we will get through this together."

Him leaving me was never one of my concerns. I knew he would never leave my side if he found out I was pregnant with his child. "How?" I was barely able to choke out the word. Yoongi forced me to look at him by pulling my chin up. When my eyes met his I felt a little more at ease.

I was expecting tears. He was supposed to be terrified like I was. When I looked into his eyes I saw he was at peace. It was the same expression he held when he slept. How could he possibly be calm at a time like this?

I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. "We can't support a baby... you have such a tight schedule already a-and I'm barely able to pay rent at my apartment." I felt defeated.

It wasn't that I didn't want to start a family with him, because I did want that at some point. But we weren't at the point in our lives where we could properly raise a child. I wanted us to at least be married before something like this happened.

"You can move in with me. I-I'll come home as soon as I can everyday... we will find a way." He wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. He pulled me closer letting my head rest against his chest. The steady rhythm of his heart helped me to calm down. "I know it's bad timing, but I think you'll be a great mom."

Somehow that made me smile. I just leaned against him on the floor while we both thought about what our future would be like. "What if everyone finds out you're going to have a child?"

He just sighed. "I don't want to keep my family a secret. I'm not ashamed to have this baby with you." He pulled me into his lap so I could sit more comfortably. "I love you so much."

"Yoongi... we aren't even married. It could hurt your image with BTS." He didn't respond. We both knew that this pregnancy meant we would be going through hell, yet he was trying to stay optimistic for me. How did I ever get so lucky?

"We could get married." His suggestion caught me a little off guard. I stiffened a little as I thought it over. "I know it's still early for us, but I can't think of a reason to wait any longer."

He arms tightened around my waist as he hugged me closer. So much was happening that I couldn't form words. I find out I'm pregnant with my boyfriend's child and now he's proposing marriage while we sit on m bathroom floor. All I could do was nod in agreement.

I noticed tears in his eyes and started to comfort him. I was crying and scared, but he had been so calm and caring this whole time despite my tears. He lightly kissed my lips then pressed his forehead against mine. "This is the happiest day of my life."

How long had he wanted this with me? When did he plan on talking to me about it? Why wasn't he as terrified as I was?

Thousands of questions rolled around in my head, but still, I could only sit and watch him overflowing with joy. "I love you." The words slipped from my mouth, barely even audible.

That was enough to force the tears in his eyes to spill down his cheeks. Now both of us were a mess just crying in my bathroom. It would've been a nice moment if I wasn't still trembling with fear. Yoongi, however, kept his eyes on me and kept reassuring me that our child would grow up happy and healthy. Slowly I started to feel a bit of excitement for what was to come for us.


A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is really short! I've been really busy lately with school, work, and trying to learn Korean. I am going to try my hardest to get you guys a new chapter soon. It's just a little hard to find time to write lately.

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