Chapter 26|Everyone's ugly on the inside

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God damn, I'm getting good at this updating thing.

I'll just warn you now that this chapter will probably just make you want to puke. I won't say why, but you'll figure it out.

Oh and there's kind of some making out at the start. It's not too raunchy so don't get your hopes up.

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Noah gently sucks the skin on my neck, all the while letting one of his hands roam the length of my clothed body. Yes clothed.

His fingers slip under my shirt, but they don't move far from my waist.

We have relocated to the bathroom after Hector woke up (unfortunately) and made a big deal about it. I mean we were both still fully clothed, and it's not like we were going at it or anything, but apparently it was too much for him. The bathroom door is locked too, I'll have you know, so if anyone needs to go they can hold it, or piss themselves. It doesn't really make a difference to me either way.

"You're really-" I inhale sharply as Noah's teeth graze my skin.

"I'm really what?" He whispers, kissing his way back up to my lips.

"Good at whatever that was," I reply rather breathlessly. He stops to gaze at my face.

"You flatter me Princess," he says with a grin, before pressing his lips hard to mine.

His hands move from my waist to my face, and then tangle themselves in my hair as our lips mash together in a heated kiss. My back hits a wall and somewhere along the line Noah loses his shirt. I let my fingers trace his abs, all the way down to the V of his hips.

Noah breaks the kiss, capturing my hands in his. He leans his forehead against the wall above my right shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Princess," he pants in my ear, still holding my hands.

"Why not? It seems like a pretty good idea to me," I whisper back.

"Because some parts of me are extremely excited right now, and if you keep standing there looking all cute then I might start using my other brain," he explains.

"Your other brain?" I question with a laugh.

"Yes," he says, glancing downwards. "My other brain."

"What if I want you to use your other brain?" I whisper in his ear.

"A bathroom isn't really the place, Princess."

I sigh in faux annoyance. "Fine, but-"

I kiss his bare shoulder, over his collar bone, and up his neck to his ear. He lets out a little grunt.

"But what?" He asks huskily.

"You should probably take care of your other brain before you leave the bathroom," I whisper in his ear with a smile, leaving him standing there.

He groans as I leave. "Princess, did you have to do that?"

I turn around as I reach the door. "You should probably find your shirt too."

I walk out of the bathroom to find everybody over on the bunks.

"You smell like sex," Oakley says as I approach.

"Well that's odd because we didn't have sex," I reply, climbing up to my bunk.

"Why not?" He replies with a very concerned frown.

I shrug. "Apparently a bathroom isn't classy enough for him."

Oakley speculates that thought. "I'd do him in a bathroom any day. Or you, for that matter."

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