Chapter 28|I like stabbing things

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If this chapter is boring, don't blame me, I'm sleep deprived.

Anyway, enjoy! Or don't, whatever.

• • •

Three weeks.

Three weeks have passed since everybody went out to see the city of Zarion. It's also been three weeks since we've seen any sign of life other than the eight of us. Apparently it was incredible, the city that is, with buildings made completely out of glass, and bright lights as far as the eye can see, but Willow brought back something unwanted.

The day after they got back, she vomited for probably three days straight, then she got a fever.

Being in a confined space, naturally the sickness spread. I've had it, Robyn's had it, and Oakley too.

Currently, Yaris, Astrid, and Noah have it. I actually think that the two from Wakefield might die. I mean, they always look unhealthy, but now they look like they're on their deathbeds.

I feel pretty useless in this situation because I've realised that I can't cure sickness, I can only heal wounds, and occasionally help people evade death. Unfortunately, that doesn't help Noah, who shivers in his sleep.

He suddenly sits bolt upright, looking around wildly. His glazed eyes catch mine, and I rush over.

He seems panicked, and his breathing is heavy.

"You were dead," he says with tears in his eyes. "They killed you."

"Shh," I say. "It was just a bad dream." I gently push him back down and he closes his eyes. I push a few strands of hair off his face, and kiss his forehead gently.

I sigh, walking back to where I had originally been sitting with Oakley.

"You love him, don't you?" He asks. I can see him looking at me through my peripheral vision, but I continue to watch Noah.

"Yeah, I do," I reply, causing him to grin.

"You know, you never did tell me what you were doing the day that the rest of us went into that stupid, shiny city."

Oakley has recently made the discovery that he hates cities, so as you can tell, he's not very impressed by the fact that he willingly went to one.

I sideways glance at him to see that he's wearing a stupid grin, which stretches right across his face.

"I'm sure you can guess," I say pointedly, returning my attention back to Noah.

"Well considering there was a bra on the floor next to my bed, that was most definitely not my size, I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say you were having a bra slingshot contest?"

I bury my face in my hands. "You're really good at making people feel uncomfortable."

"I know," he agrees with a nod. "Sometimes the things that come out of my mouth shock me too."

• • •

"I hate being sick," Noah claims, biting down on a piece of toast. He's hungry which is a good sign, and no longer feels the need to throw up.

"Nobody likes being sick," I reply.

"I know, but I feel like I hate it more than other people," he explains.

I laugh. "Okay, whatever you say."

Noah suddenly frowns, looking over at the two bunks side by side where Yaris and Astrid are still sleeping. "When was the last time somebody checked on those two?"

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