Chapter 29|What the hell are those?

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Yas, another chapter!

If you haven't figured it out yet, making up chapter titles is like the hi-light of my life.

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Noah and I are led out of the building that has kept us captive for almost a month. The sun feels warm on my skin, and the brightness hurts my eyes.

Noah's fingers link with mine as Dr Harlin opens a gate in the large fence surrounding our building. We step out onto a road. It's a weird road though, made out of this shiny grey stuff that's slippery to walk on.

"Follow me," he smiles, walking ahead of us. For a short guy, he walks surprisingly fast. We walk past many more buildings that look similar to the one we live in, although most of these look to be used as storage warehouses, which suggests we're in the industrial part of the city. Only in the distance can I see the tall buildings made of glass that everybody was talking about.

After walking for about ten minutes we reach a platform, like the kind you stand on to catch a train. Only these aren't trains. White pods the size of cars with large windows and an automatically opening door, travel into the station. They travel along an almost transparent rail, making them seem a though they're floating in mid air.

"What the hell are those?" Noah asks in amazement, watching as one of the pods stops in front of us. Dr Harlin gives the security guard a white plastic token with a gold triangle on it.

That seems shady, I think to myself as we're ushered into one of the pods. As soon as the doors shut Dr Harlin starts talking.

"I've paid the security guard to delete the surveillance footage for this pod, so we have to be quick," he rushes. "Don't trust Farris, ever. Lying is his first language. He's a manipulator and always will be."

"I know," I reply. "I can tell when he's lying."

I wonder why he's helping us. It's not like he's knows us, or owes it to us.

"Good, and never give a blood sample. You're as good as dead if you do that. You haven't given him blood, have you?"

I shake my head. "No, but Robyn and Oakley have."

"I know it sounds harsh, but it's every man for himself. You two need to stick together, and look out for one another," he replies, looking out the window to see where we are.

"We always do," Noah says, squeezing my hand.

"Alright," Dr Harlin says. "What I'm about to tell you could get me killed, but you should know, and you can't tell anyone, not even Robyn and Oakley."

We both nod, not saying a word.

He lets out a breath. "Okay," he says to himself. "The system here is extremely corrupt. The people are slaves to the government. Those walls are to keep them in, they can't leave. The real reason that the people in Zarion won't have children is because they're terrified that their child will be born with powers, like you."

"What's so bad about that?" I ask defensively.

"The so called government which consists of people like Farris and Viktor, take those children. The public doesn't know what happens to them, and the parents never see their child again."

"What does happen to them?" Noah asks wearily.

"They take a blood sample," he says, looking both of us in the eye. "This is to make sure the blood is compatible."

"Compatible with who?" I ask, getting more and more confused.

"The members of the government. This is so they know that their own bodies won't reject the skin during a skin graft. They call it the harvesting. Sections of skin are cut from somebody with abilities, and grafted onto the body of somebody else."

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