Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

 Rosalinda was tired of this already. She didn’t understand how this person knew anything about her sister. Whoever they were, they weren’t very smart. Rosalinda DID have a sister and she defiantly wasn’t crazy. After the situation in the pool with her sister, she hadn’t had any more of those thoughts.

        While she was terrified of this person, her frustration was clouding her mind. This person continues playing games with her and she’s done with it. She puts the hospital band back inside the music box and takes it to her room, throwing the note out on her way.

            She placed the brand new music box besides the old one and flopped onto her bed. She sighed turning with her back towards the closed window. With her thoughts racing, she fell asleep, thinking about her sister.


  “Rosie?” Her sister called, using her nickname.

  “Yes Marie?”

 “Why haven’t you called me?”

“Mother said I couldn’t. That I wasn’t allowed to.”

“Why do you listen to mother? She’s only trying to make you think I hate you. But I don’t. I love you sissy. I need you. This place is so scary and they leave me stuck her by myself for days upon days, only bringing me food three times a day. I get therapy once a week but none of it helps. I can’t get these voices out of my head. These people won’t stop showing up in my room in the middle of the night. You have to help me. Come visit me. Please sis. I don’t want to be here anymore.”  Her sister begins to cry on the other line and Rosalinda an hear the officers telling her time is almost up.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help you Marie. You did this to yourself. You never should have told mom about Elly. Never. She wouldn’t have ever known and you could still be here. You shouldn’t have tried to set fire to the school. I know you say you weren’t trying to do that, that Elly made you light those candles and he pushed it onto the curtain but, how can I believe that?” Suddenly her sisters crying stops and she hears a low growl.

 “Look Rosie. If you aren’t going to help then I hate you. You can go on with your perfect life while I rot in this hellhole! I hate you,” The officers can be heard telling Marie times up and she has to get off the phone, “I hate you Rosalinda! If I ever see you again I swear I’ll kill you! I’ll get you, just you wait and see!” There’s some banging then cursing followed by a yell and the line going dead.

Rosie stands frozen in place.  She stood still holding the phone to her ear. It was unbelievable how quick her sisters mood changed. She can hear footsteps coming towards her but she cannot move. Her mother wraps her arms around her , grabbing the phone and hanging it up.

"I told you not to call her, not to pick up. She's crazy."


Rosalinda wakes up to a freezing cold room. She turns around and notices the window is wide open, curtains blowing forwards. She can't remember if it was her who left it open. Not thinking anything of it she closes the window and makes her way into the bathroom for her morning routines.

As she gets out and begins to search for an outfit to wear, she notices out of the corner of her eye, another music box. It was placed neatly besides the others almost as if it had been there all along. She slowly walks towards it, turning her head towards the door every so often to make sure it was closed.

When she finally reaches it she opens it and the song Secret by the Pierces starts to play. It echos throughout her room. Everthing is still, there is no sound to be heard. She sees the note lying in the center a picks it up. Also in the box are a key and a small locket. She starts to open the note when the door is slammed shut. Her head whips around to see no one is there.

She opens the note and starts to read. It says:

            You aren't paying attention to any of my rules. It seems as though you aren't scared anymore. But I know your secret, know what you have done. You cannot escape me.

Angry and frustrated to throws the music box at the wall and storms out. When she walks into the living room, she notices her roommate,  drunk and passed out in front of the door, a bottle of beer in her hand.

Rosalinda walks over and in a fit of rage pushes Brianna out from in front of the door. Brianna wakes up and is instantly mad.

"What the hell!"

Rosalind rolls her eyes and trys to walk out the door but is stopped. Brianna spins her around and slams her aganist the door.

"You got a problem bitch?"


I really need to stop promising updates. But its here, and it isn't very long but I hought that would be a good place to end. If you dont know Secret by The Pierces its the Pretty little Liars theme song and if ylu still don't know look it up, its really cool and creepy at the same time. Hope you liked, as always feedback is appreciated and I'll try not to take this long to update again. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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