A JJ Style Intro

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~Hey! A quick note before going into this, I wanted to thank all of you for over a hundred reads, I never thought I'd get this much attention for my stories. Also, if you want to ask questions to characters who haven't been introduced, go for it, the order of these characters' intros does not limit the questioners to wait. Please feel free to drop a question to anyone anytime, love y'all. Let's dive right in!

Alex The Turtle~

Hello to all my adoring fans!! It is I, JJ, here to tell you that I'M OPEN FOR QUESTIONS. So all of you beautiful people can ask your most burning questions.

Do not worry about me if you're in distress about the Finals. I am fine. I'm JJ. I'll recover quickly. Haha! Anyways, I'm open to all questions, feel free to ask about anything.

I love you all!

JJ out!

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