Questions 2- Yurio and Vitya

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@WinterMisticat asked

Question for Yuri 

 Was it difficult to practice Agape? Also since you had to hear it a number of times, is it stuck in your head? Because it sure as hell is stuck in mine.

Extra question for Viktor: During Yuuri's first Eros performance, did you whistle because you thought he was hot? ;)

Yurio's answer:

It was and wasn't at the same time. It was difficult to perform but not to practice. Also, that damn song has been stuck in my head to the point where I have to listen to it over and over to forget. That never works.

Viktor's answer:

Yuuri's first Eros performance impressed me at first, however, that impression turned to attraction. The was his body moved in tune with the music was truly beautiful. So, yes. I whistled because he was hot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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