So apparently this monster thing is after me AND my family

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Now, that I know that this monster is known throughout my little family, I need to tell Matt about it.

"Matthew, Matt Matthew Berland!!! Open up!!!! MATTHEW EDWARD BERLAND!!!! URGENT NEWS!!!" I shouted into his house while ferociously banging on his door, "MATTY!!"

"whhaaatttt..." he groaned, "Why are you banging on my door and waking me up this early?"

"Okay, firstly, it's midday, and secondly our little monster friend had rampaged through the clean-up crew's progress."

"Little? Friend? Whatever, what do you mean it visited our families?"

"Yes, and I think we should go back to the forest and find out what's up with this monster,"

"WhAATT?!" He screeched, "Are YoU cRAZ- WHAT?!"


"You're crazy but fine,"

"Okay just let me tell you one thing we aren't going to be there for the day go back home and so on," I stated, "We'll be there for a few days maybe weeks til' we get back I just want you to know what you're getting into,"

"*Sigh*...alright, but when will we leave and are we telling our families?"

"We leave by nightfall, I was going to leave a note so it wouldn't be so hard for me to leave, well at least harder."

"Alright, what will we be packing?"

"The essentials, food, clothes, water, we'll also need to take weapons, I'll take my bow, you take whatever, also, now I know you won't enjoy this aspect of the journey, we have to take snowdrop and yellow light..."

"I'm NOT RIDING THAT HORSE! I'll ride snowdrop,"

"NO! Snowdrop is my horse, Yellow is yours,"

"Fine if it means possibly saving our families and village then I'm in,"


"But are you sure we'll be safe?"

"No, but I know enough about each creature and plant in that forest to be able to stay safe," I assured him, "my father and uncles have taken my hunting in there plenty of times and taught me how to find a safe a secure hiding area, how to find fresh water for bathing and drinking and how to catch for and what parts to eat what not to, I think we'll be adequately safe, for the most part, about 1 1/2 months in at least. But when, or if, we get farther past that then we have to rely more on common knowledge than my 'wilderness training'"

"Are you ok with this, we will have to move around the forest and not be staying in the same spot," I asked.

"Yes, it'll take me a bit to get used to it and will still be frantic but my main issue is the fact that we won't be able to visit our families but...I guess I'll have to get used to that too,"

"Alright, remember we leave at nightfall, so pack A LOT of food clothes a few weapons YOU KNOW HOW TO USE, and any basic survival gear, maybe if it'll help you bring a picture of your family or a locket or something small someone important in your family gave you,"



I write my note,

Dear Mother, Father, Adelaide, Calvin, Fredrick, Marshall, and Gerard,

Matthew and I have decided to go on a journey, we will be gone for quite a while. I'm sorry I had not consulted this with you, but I knew you would say no. My one wish is that you do not try and find me or join Matt and me. Again, I apologize for this, but I will be taking Snowdrop plenty of food and water, clothing, blankets, my bow as well plenty of arrows, we will be safe for the first month and a half. Please, do not worry about me. Please, know that I love and care for you, as well remember, I'm officially an adult so legally I can make my own decisions. Father and my uncles have taught me as much as anyone could possibly know. I as well have been taught how to care for myself and make clothing from Mother and Adelaide. As well am I perfectly knowledgeable to make the rightly thought out choices.

Yours Always, as well sincerely sorry,

Kendall Ann-Marie

I immediately burst into tears....."I'm so sorry..."

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