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We went threw the bitches bag. There was nothing good in it so we picked up all her stuff and threw it in the garbage with old moldy food in it. We walked away laughing and we heard crying, we turned around and ran towards it, we saw Brooke and started laughing.

Taylor pushed her down as me and the guys kicked her, Shawn and Matthew backed up and sat against the lockers crying. "Pussy's" Carter said. Before we walked away, Taylor stomped on her head, and she screamed as loud as possible. And when I say loud, I think the moon heard it. We looked at her and the nurse came running out. "Boys, office now" she said.

She helped Brooke up and Brooke was balling her eyes out, they walked with us to the office and Brooke was crying so much, I've never seen her cry this much. We entered the office and sat in the chairs while the nurse brought Brooke behind the counter and called 911 so they could come with an ambulance. When she got off the phone, Brooke was still crying, she sat Brooke down behind the counter and and came around to the front of the counter to talk to us.

"Young men, do u realize that the first time u stomped her head it opened up and when u pushed her to the floor she landed on her arm and all her cuts opened?" Grace asked. "No" we replied. She looked at me "Mr. Dallas, this is your own sister and you could've killed her, did u realize that" Grace asked. "No" I lied. "Well she's not going back with you guys for another month because you broke her arm, her nose, you cracked her head back open and her cuts" Grace explained.

We shrugged and she just shook her head "this is abuse and I could have you boys arrested" Grace said. "No, let them go back to class" Brooke said. Everyone looked at her. "Why not" Grace asked. "Because that's my brother and he's willing to die for his friends so if they go to jail then he does to and I don't want that to happen" Brooke said. We were shocked at her words. Then I realized what grace said.

"Wait, brooke you cut?" I asked. She shook her head and Grace sighed. As the police rushed in. "We got a call for a hurt child" one of them said. Grace helped Brooke stand up and walked her over to the paramedics. They put her on a stretcher and took her out.

"You guys aren't expelled because when Brooke gets out she's gonna have to stay at home for a while so you guys are gonna have detention everyday until she's able to come back to school, those detentions will last 5 hours" grace said. We groaned and nodded. "Now back to class" she said. As we walked out she stopped me. "I hope u know that you are a very sick young man" she said. "Don't gotta tell me twice" I winked.

I walked out and went back to class.

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