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So yeah it's been a while now, I glowed up big time, as you can see. We're boarding our plane to head back to California. My phone buzzed and it was a reminder.

The boys come back tomorrow. I'm so excited to see them. Logan was too drunk to understand anything so I didn't tell him anything. We boarded our plane and fell asleep.

We woke up and the plane was about to land. "I didn't wanna leave" Christina sighed. "I didn't either" Mia pouted. "Me either" I groaned. The plane landed and we grabbed our bags and got off.

We ubered back to the apartment and everyone else went home and went to sleep😂. Logan woke up the next day at 8am and decided to wake me up. "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ A YALL Y'ALL NOT GON GET NO SLEEP CUZ A ME" he yelled banging pans together.

"FUCK OFF" I yelled. He stopped and started laughing. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Come on get up and get dressed so we can go eat" he laughed. I got up and threw a pillow at him, then I started getting ready.

I took and shower and put on

I did my make up which took 30 to 45 minutes

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I did my make up which took 30 to 45 minutes. Then I walked out of my room. "Alright let's go" he sighed. He went to some vegan place and I went to a McDonald's that was right across the street.

I finished eating and got a mcflurry to go. I walked over to the vegan place and Logan was walking out at the same time. "Okay let's go" he laughed. We got into the yetti and I fell asleep again.

About 10 minutes later, Logan woke me up again. We were back at the apartment building. I ran inside and ran into the elevator, I tried to shut the doors before Logan could come in but I failed.

He ran inside and laughed at me. I punched him in the arm and waited until we got to our floor. Once we were there, I ran towards the apartment and ran inside.

The girls were just sitting around. "Ya know you guys should really lock that door" Kelly laughed. Logan came running in behind me. "I should really lock this door" he shrugged.

"See you guys even think the same" I cooed. They rolled their eyes and I walked in and sat down. The girls and I headed into my room. I got a text from Corbyn saying that they would be gone for another year due to work issues.

Imma die.

"So anybody you've got your eye on right now?" Rebecca asked. I was about to say no when I scrolled through Instagram and saw a picture of somebody.

"Uhm yeah actually, I think I do" I smiled. They all started gossiping and squealing. I laughed. Oh shit I forgot to tell Logan about the boys. "I'll be right back" I laughed.

"You know we're gonna follow you" Mia laughed. "You're right" I agreed. I stood up and headed for the door, I turned the knob and pull the door open.

"Hey Logan the guys are suppose to be coming back in a year" I sighed looking down at my phone. "Oh?" He asked. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked.

I looked forward and dropped my life (phone) I saw all of the guys except for Jonah. I went over and hugged all of them. I wasn't even paying attention to the fact that Jonah wasn't here.

"You look amazing" Jack smiled. "Well thank you spaghetti" I smiled. He laughed. "Oh by the way Corbyn I may hate you right now but Christina is in my room right now" I smiled.

"CHRISTINA" I yelled. She came out. "WHAT YOU B-CORBYN!?" She screamed. She jumped into his arms. "Psh it's not that big of a deal" I shrugged.

"Hey girly" I heard someone say. I turned around and Jonah was walking in. "JONAH" I screamed. I ran and jumped into his arms and he held me up. "Not that big of a deal my ass" Rebecca laughed. Everyone agreed.

"Man I hate being single" Mia pouted. "Oh no we're not dating, we're just friends" I laughed. Jonah put me down and I went to pick up my phone.

"You look so different I almost didn't recognize you" Jonah's eyes went wide. "Is that a good thing?" I asked. "Yes it's a good thing, you look beautiful" he smiled. I laughed.

"Well let's catch up" Logan clapped his hands together. We all sat around and started talking and talking and talking.

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