-Girl's time

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"...then I walked out the shop and he followed me. He tried to apologize but I told him to leave me alone, we broke up more than a year ago!"

I take another sip of my drink. I'm not really into alcoholic stuff, I only drink a bit in special ocassions. Today isn't any special day, but I need to loose up a bit. Or a lot.

"Riley, you aren't paying any attention to me." Michelle says, bringing me back to the Earth.

"What?" I answer shaking my head. "I'm sorry."

Instead of being annoyed at me, Michelle sighs. "Okay what happened? You're acting weird Ri."

I think what to answer but I'm not able to put my thoughts in order, so another thing comes to my mind instead, being the only one I manage to answer. "John was yesterday at home."

"Oh gosh!" She squeals excited, distracted from the previous topic. "Did you talk to him?!"

"Not really. Well, he recognized and greeted me. That's all." I answer plainly, without any enthusiasm.

"Oh... Next time that James invites him, you can invite me around too." She tells me slighly disappointed, as she hits me with her elbow slighly.

"Yeah..." I answer, drinking a bit more. Michelle drinks a sip too, even if she is driving later she insisted about drinking a bit and control the amount. I haven't the strength to go against that. After it she turns in the couch where we are seated, so now she's looking straight at me.

"Okay, girl. You better tell me right now what's going on."

I sigh, rubbing my face with my hand, as if that would help to clear my mind. I stop inmediatly as I realise I have make-up on. Needing to get it out of my chest, I give up and tell my friend what has been in my mind for the whole day.

"James... mm... has confessed his feelings for me." I answer, not being able to crack a little smile at least.

Michelle's jaw drops slighly and she looks at me in amusement. "No way." She mumbles impressed. I chuckle ironically. "I knew it! I told you!" Michelle squeals super excited, as she leans to hug me.

It was only a month ago, when dad told me that he was going to London and I would have to spent two months with the Campbells, that Michelle was around and I explained her how disconformed I was about the situation. My friend started to think like the typical teenager girl and about how I was lucky to spend time around the rich, hot player James Campbell.

I already had a strongly dislike towards him - and even if deep inside I was keen to give a chance to get along with him, I never thought that we could have reached this point. Maybe I kinda would - but never with those three damn words in the way.

"No what?" Michelle asks, seeing me while I shake my head as an answer.

I grab my almost empty glass tightly with my hands, as I hold it over my lap, trying to control my nervousness. I sigh once again before opening my mouth.

"I need your point of view on this." I say, turning my head to look at her. My body shakes slighly, scared to find out the answer that maybe my friend has. "He... He claimed he loved me..." Michelle's eyes widen. "But I don't know if he meant it or... if he only wants to jump into bed with me."

Michelle moves a hand behind my back, rubbing it gently. "The important thing here is, do you like him?"

"Y- yes... We are pretty good friends now. I admit I like him. But like, don't love."

She smiles simphatetically. "Well, at least you are being honestly with yourself." She shrugs.

"What should I do, Mich? I'm so lost..."

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