-Breaking the news

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The huge glass allows the light of the sun to come in, causing the light in the room to be pretty powerful and bothering me a little. I roll over searching for a certain person's chest to hide my face, but for some reason I can't find it. Instead I wrap the covers tightly under my naked body, slowly opening my eyes as they get used to the light. As I move in the bed I feel my whole body aching, but in some way, it's the kind of tiredness that makes you happy.

There's no need to search for him because I see where he is as soon as I open my eyes. It's weird that he wakes up before me, except when I'm really tired. He's standing in front of the huge window, just in his boxers, staring down to the busy street. He's eating a bit of chocolate from last night. And he's really hot.

"Good morning baby." He says with a smile and not tearing his gaze from the street. As he finishes his snack, he turns in my direction and leans against the glass, smiling at me.

"Good morning." I say excitedly. After what happened last night, today has to be a great day.

It was the best night ever. I was so freaking nervous, but I decided to pull it aside and trust James, because I knew that he would make everything perfect. In fact, he did. Just a few weeks ago I was scared and felt super insecure, but now I don't regret anything. It was perfect and amazing. I feel butterflies each time I think about what we did and how loving and gentle he was.

"Tell me that last night wasn't a dream." He requests, sitting in the edge of the bed and kissing my forehead.

"It wasn't." I smile, closing my eyes and grabbing his arm, rubbing it with my thumb.

"Well, dreams aren't that good." He giggles, pulling me over the bed and hovering over me, kissing me softly. His hands wander my body carefully and I allow him to do for a while, until we naturally separate and cuddle.

A few minutes later, James stands up from the bed, still in his boxers, and grabs the remote from the TV. As he does this, before coming back to the bed at my side, I try to stand up and pull on my underwear as well, but an unexpected pain between my legs makes me to forget what I was doing and staying in the bed. Maybe, after last night, it wasn't as unexpected...

"What's up Riley?" James asks, after noticing me flinching as he cuddles me again.

"I'm- I'm a bit sore, that's all." I answer, squeezing my legs. He chuckles and smirks, causing me to go red inmediatly.

"Don't be worry about that. It's normal." He explains and kisses my cheek, then goes back to search a program in the TV. How wasn't I going to be this sore? Any girl would die for what was mine last night.

"Thanks Jay. You're the best boyfriend ever." I giggle, hidding my face on his chest.

"You know you can trust me for anything, right? I'm going to support you no matter what."

This is the right moment. The single thought hasn't crossed my mind in the whole morning or day, but for some reason I think I have to do it now. I love him, he loves me. He wouldn't dump me after what we did last night, he just wouldn't. He knows how much I care about us, and he cares too.

I force myself to stop to overthink, and with my heart racing and more nervouness than I had when James took me into this room, I open my mouth, sure and at the same time unsure of what I want to say.

"Actually, there's something I need to tell you..."

"For sure. I'm all ears." He answers with that encouraging smiles that he always shows me whenever I'm insecure.

I look down, at the bed sheets, and look at him only when the words are already said. "I'm going to study at the other side of the country."

His beautiful smile has disappeared and his eyes are slighly widen, along with his mouth a little bit open. He has gone extremely quiet, and is clearly taken aback. This gives me a really bad vibe.

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