E P I S O D E 11-Stay-

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The door swung open revealing you standing there with a serious face,"What do you mean... We're having a war?" You ask, Your parents and brothers are speechless,"Jaebal... If we really are going to have a war... Are you going to send me away?" You ask, Jongsuk sigh,"We have no choice Soo Ae-ah..." Jongsuk said, You shook your head,"Jaebal, I don't want to lose all of you, You guys are my family just please can we just stay together?" You said, Hyun Woo shook his head,"Your life is important to the kingdom..." Hyun Woo said, You shook your head,"Please let me stay here..." You said with tears streaming down your eyes.

Jimin was rushing into the castle like a little kid,"Hyung, Why so happy all of a sudden?" Jungkook ask,"You guys wanna know?" Jimin ask,"Yeah..." Jin said and all of them prepair their ears,"I'm a father! Woohoo! I'm gonna be an Appa and watch those little cute babies crawling on the floor..." Jimin cheered,"What do you mean?" Namjoon ask,"(Y/N) is alive! and she's pregnant!" Jimin said, Their jaws dropped,"How--""Jongsuk manage to save her..." V said,"You knew it whole of this time?" Jimin ask,"I just want to keep her safe, hyung... You know that Rachel might do anything if she knew that (Y/N) is still alive..." V said, Jimin makes a thinking face,"Which means we can't trust any palace workers?" Jimin ask, V nods,"Rachel can send an ear to hear everything that came from this palace... Including that..." Jungkook throw his knife and it hits a person whose hiding behind the pillars,"Bulls eye..." Jungkook chuckles, Jimin teleported towards that person and pulls him up by the collar, Jimin's eyes turns grey which means he's reading that person's past, Jimin smirks,"Rachel's spy huh?" Jimin chuckles,"Jaebal... Spare my life..." That person trembles, Suddenly Jimin's hand gets through that guy's left chest,"I would never let anyone who cooperate with Rachel get out from this place alive..." Jimin whispers in that guy's ears, He pulls out his hand which was stained with that guy's blood, Jimin turn to look at his brothers,"Good job..." Suga clapped his hand, Jungkook passed a towel to Jimin, He wipes his bloody hands with it,"Suga hyung... Burn it..." Jimin said,"As you wish..." Suga flicks his finger and the body was set on fire.

You're walking in the woods and was enjoying the fresh air, Your surrounding makes you felt like you're living in a story book,

You walks down the track and suddenly stops as you've went out from the forest, You saw your brother Hyun Woo sitting by the ground besides the river and he looks up at you

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You walks down the track and suddenly stops as you've went out from the forest, You saw your brother Hyun Woo sitting by the ground besides the river and he looks up at you

You walks down the track and suddenly stops as you've went out from the forest, You saw your brother Hyun Woo sitting by the ground besides the river and he looks up at you

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