E P I S O D E 12-The Painful Truth-

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Jimin's POV

I am staring at my phone for hours debating myself whether I should call her or not but, I quickly grab my phone and started to dial her number,"Yaobuseyo?" Her voice came in line, I smile widely,"(Y/N)-ah! How are you doing?" I ask, okay thats somehow a lame question and kinda sound awkward but,"Yeah I'm fine, How about you oppa, Are you doing well?" She ask with a bright voice, I smile like an idiot already

I am staring at my phone for hours debating myself whether I should call her or not but, I quickly grab my phone and started to dial her number,"Yaobuseyo?" Her voice came in line, I smile widely,"(Y/N)-ah! How are you doing?" I ask, okay thats so...

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I was silent which cause her to become curious,"Oppa did you hung up already?" She ask which snaps me away from my thoughts,"Aah no, I'm still here..." I said, She giggles,"What are you thinking right now?" She ask,"I was thinking about you, Thinking about me, Thinking about us, What we gonna be~" I started to sing and she giggles,"Arasseo arasseo, I know you miss me..." She said, I chuckles,"I miss you like crazy, Jagiya~" I said and I hear her squeal,"I miss you too..." She said,"How's the baby?" I ask,"...Fine as usual..." She said with an unsure tone which cause me to feel anxious,"Nothing bad bothers you right? You and the baby is okay right?" I ask again,"Haha, Yes, Me and the baby is fine, Its okay oppa." She said, I still have a bad feeling about this,"If anything happens call me right away okay?" I said,"Ne, I'll call you and scream your name so that your ear drums break..." She said, I chuckles,"I'll make sure to not clean my ears before you call me..." I joked,"Eeew, You better stay clean so that you wouldn't felt sick..." She said, I laughed,"Ne ne, Arasseoyo~" I said, Suddenly I heard the queen's voice in the background,"Oppa, My mother is here..." She said,"Stay healthy, Don't over work, I don't want you to get sick..." I said for the last time,"You too, Well I gotta go now, Bye! Muah!" She said,"Bye, Muah muah muah too..." I giggles and hang up, I let out a sigh of relief,"I'm glad she's fine and the baby's fine too..." I smile, Suddenly the door to my bedroom bangs wide open revealing my father standing there with wide eyes,"Did I just heard the word 'baby' ?" He ask, I gulped, Oh man min holy what the jamless devil,"A-Appa actually I... Uhh, Well you see--""You're a father..." My mother suddenly appears behind my dad,"A Father?!" My dad gasp, I fall silent,"Its okay Jimin... Yeobo, Calm down now, We'll be grandpa and grandmas!!!" My mother cheered in happiness but my father still have the emotionless face on,"Explain. Everything. To. Me." He said one by one, I gulped,"Well actually..." I told them about (Y/N) and what happened, how I met her and what makes me love her and what relation we both are in, My father's expression slowly gone relax,"Well its the light witch's princess? I got no problem with that, Congratulations, Son!" My father suddenly hugged me, I smile and hug him back,"Be a good father to that child arasseo?" He said, I nods,"Promise." I said, My mother wrapped her arms around my father's waist and rest her head on his shoulders,"I bet the baby will be cute..." She said and smiles widely at me

" She said and smiles widely at me

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