9. New Year Special Pt. 2

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Miette's POV :
New Year Party? I'm gonna ask Ash and he would totally say yes! Since I am the Queen Bee of this School.

"Whats your date guys?" May asked.

"Calem of course!" Lillie answered.

"I'm gonna ask Ash, but I'm 99.9% sure that he would say yes!" I said.

"How about you May?" Lillie asked.

"Actually, I found Drew pretty cute." May reply.

"That nerd? Ugh, not another one..." I complained.

"Yeah, Misty quit because she was interested on stupid Astrid!" Lillie said furiously.

"Please Lillie, I don't wanna hear that name again!" I said.

Then I noticed that May was staring at Misty's table.

"Whatcha looking at?!" I asked.

"N-Nothing!!!" May quickly answered.

"If I catch you staring at those nerd's table again, you're DEAD!" I threaten her.

"I-I promise....I......won't!!" May said.

Somehow May struggled to say that.

Serena's POV :
I was still struggling to find a date. Misty aswell.

"So...Serena and Misty, did you guys find a date yet?" Clemont asked.

"Nope!" We both said.

"Looks like these nerds don't have a date!" Miette taunted.

"That's hilarious Misty! You don't have a date? How about Tierno? Hahahahahaha!" Lillie yelled.

It seems that Lillie have gotten used to her bullying...

"Hey stop it!" Somebody shouted.

"Don't bully our friend's name!" Another said.

"Especially my name!" the other one said.

We turned around to see a girl with brown hair and light green eyes. The other is a boy, he have rounded orange hair and grey eyes. The last one is also a boy that has black poofy hair.

"I'm Shauna!" The girl said.

"I'm Trevor." The boy with orange hair said.

"And I'm Tierno." And the boy with balck hair said.

"So its you! You looked even fatter than usual!" Lillie laughed.

"Don't say that to our friend!" Trevor said.

"Ivysaur Vine Whip!" Shauna commanded.

"What? You- Ahhhhh!" Miette fell down with her lunch that landed on her hair.

"Ahhh! My hair!" Miette shrieked.

"That is what you get!" Shauna smirked.

"I will get you back!" Miette screamed.

Then Miette and her group ran away.

"Way to go Shauna!" Trevor said.

"Thanks!" Shauna smiled.

"Thanks for your help guys." I told the trio.

"No problem!" Shauna said.

"I have never seen you guys before." Misty told them.

"Oh, it was because we were always rehearsing everyday for the dance!" Tierno explained.

"What dance?" Dawn asked.

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