17. Summer Camp Pt. 3

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The next day....

Serena's POV :
We woke up and quickly get dressed. Then, we went to Proff. Sycamore where the rest are.

"Good morning students! Today we will be starting our first challenge!" Proff. Sycamore announced. And then he explained a bunch of boring stuff.

"Okay, our first challenge is..... Scavenger Hunt!" He finished. We went into our position and we will win! "Ready. Set....... GO!"

I ran as fast as I can. But the problem is... "Guys! Wait!!" Clemont said, already sweating. "Please Clemont!!" Ash said, grabbing Clemont by the hand. "Wai-" Clemont said before he got dragged. So me and Bonnie helped Ash out. Team Tepid is at the lead. I knew it. Barry was running like a maniac. "BARRY! STOP!!" Kenny screamed. "I must be in the lead!!" Miette shouted. "You're not the leader!" Dawn yelled. "Yes I am!" "Am not!" "Yes!" "No!" It was pretty funny.

"There!" Clemont exclaims. I looked up and saw the first item on top of the tree, toy master balls. "Okay let's go!" Ash said, running. "One thing.. There's no way up the- nevermind." Clemont said then Ash was climbing up the tree. "Yay!" Bonnie squealed.

Then we got all 5 items. Ash got 2, the toy master ball, and plastic pokemon food by letting Noivern use supersonic to find it in the dark. The other one is by Clemont, a berry from a Emolga, by using his inventions (which did not blow up!) to give more electricity to the Emolga. Another is mine, a pokepuff from a Rhyhorn. The Rhyhorn is sad so I perform a performance to make it happy again. The last one is by Bonnie, the item is a gem, the gem is in a small opening, luckily, she was small enough to fit through it.

We ran and ran to the finish line, seeing Team Tepid by our side. We all ran as fast as we can. "Finish!" Proff. Sycamore announced. "First place goes to Team Tepid! Second, Team Froakie!" He said. Third is Miette's Team, or Team Oshawott. Just because Barry was like a maniac the whole time.

"Campers! The leading team is Team Tepid by 3 points! Team Froakie by 2 points. And Team Oshawott, 1 point! The rest are currently 0 point." The Proffesor said. "Great job guys! Even though we got second second..." Clemont said sadly. "Nah, its better than zero!" Ash said. "Hey!" Astrid complained. I giggled.

A/N : The updates might be slower than usual because I was on vacation and there's so work for me! BTW, Happy Chinese New Year people! 😁🎉

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