20. Humilated

776 17 4

Don't kill me


Miette's POV :
I've got a text from... Lillie.

Lillie: Miette I wanted to tell you something


Miette: What? 😐😐
Lillie: To be honest, I really missed you. You are the best friend I've ever had

Did she just say that? She's sorry? (BTW, Miette believes people easily)

Miette: Really?
Lillie: Yes, and...
Miette: And what
Lillie: Don't befriend Serena and the others, I stalk them before and I saw Serena put a love spell on Ash

I was shocked.

Lillie: The truth is, Ash really like me. But it seems like Serena tricked him
Miette: What am I suppose to do??
Lillie: You must make them break up

I must do this, Serena was evil all along! I must have trusted Lillie!

~time skips~

I saw this guy, his name is Blue. He does look like Gary. I gave him 50 Pokedollar, just because he will do anything for money. Then I saw Serena alone in the hallways. And to my right, there was Ash, Gary, and the others were sitting down. Ohhh this is going to be gooood!

"Hey Gary!" I shouted running into the group. "Hey Miette! What's up?" Gary replied. "I want you to help me do my homework from the club. I didn't do it" I lied. I actually purposely didn't do it. And me and Gary walked away.

"Now" I whispered/shouted to Blue.

Serena's POV :
I was just walking through the hallways, luckily there was only a few students around so I can find Ash and the others easily.

Then I saw Gary stood up and I saw Miette came rushing in, holding Gary saying something. Maybe they have group work because both of them was from the same club.

After some time, a boy which looked like Gary, but have lighter hair color, run into me, then he bow down and looked right into my skirt! "IT'S WHITE!" He yelled. Students around stared at me and laughed. I was so mad that I slapped him right across the face, leaving a bright red mark.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Ursula, this biggest gossip of the entire school, smriking.

"WHY. DID. YOU. DO. THAT." I shrieked. "It..It..It was a DARE!" He replied. "Who dared it?!" I asked furiously. "A-Ash!" He said. My heart stopped. Ash, a pervert?! He already promised me!

~flashback when Ash asked her to the dance~

"Will you be my date?" Ash asked. "But first, 1. You must not cheat on me. 2. You cannot humilate me. And 3. promise me that you will not be a pervert." I said. "I promise. I love you with all my heart" He replied.

~end of flashback~

"Who else?!" I asked. "Gary did it on M-Miette" He shuttered. That was 2 right on the list! He was a pervert and totally humilated me! Then I stomped right off!

Blue's POV :
Wow, I got slapped in the face! Whatever, still got the MONEY!

Ash's POV :
Gary and Miette just walked off. "Hey guys, let's get some food!" I said. "Ash sure is hungry," Dawn giggled.

Serena's POV :
Ash just walk off! I bet he is finding that, wait, I didn't ask his name yet! It must be impossible to find him! As I was sayin', I bet he is trying to find that guy.

It's after school now, and I'm walking over to Ash. "Ash." I said hastily. "Mmm? What's up Serena?" Ash replied. Like who does he think he is? Oh right, a PERVERT THAT COMPLETELY HUMILATED ME!

"Ash, I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" I yelled at his face. "B-But why?" Ash shuttered. "Why? WHY? YOU DARED A GUY TO LOOK AT MY UNDERWEAR AND COMPLETELY HUMILATED ME!" I screamed. "I promise I didn't do tha-" "DO YOU THINK THIS FUNNY?" I yelled. "Of course not!" Ash replied. "THEN WHY. DID. YOU. DARE. IT." I said. "I didn't!" Ash replied. "SURE YOU DIDN'T !" I cried.

Then I ran away sobbing. Dawn and May was walking past me. Talking about wrong timing. "Oh my Arceus Serena! What's wrong?" Dawn asked. I told them everything.

"Well, Me and Dawn wasn't there yet. So, it's all of Ash's fault!" May replied. "Since it was still 4:30, how about we go shopping so you can feel better!" Dawn requested. "Yeah!" May agreed.

~at the mall~

"Hey look! A clothes shop!" Dawn said. "Let's get in there!" May commented. I looked at some clothes and saw a cute outfit. "Guys how do I look?" Dawn asked.

"You look great!" I said

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"You look great!" I said."How about meee?" May asked.

"How about meee?" May asked

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"Gorgeous!" Dawn commented. We've tried many dresses. "Guys look!" I said.

"So kawaii!" May complimented

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"So kawaii!" May complimented. "Thanks!" I replied. Dressing up is so much fun!

A/N: Hey Gu- *dodges trucks* Hey! Where did you get those from? As I was saying, I'm sorry if you are mad at me for ruining Amour. But every story needs a conflict after all!

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