New Year Special Chap

674 45 12

[this is in the past :)]

As the snow stops falling and the clock keeps ticking

12 eager boys are waiting til the year ends and a new year comes

"Hyung! Let's stay at your house to celebrate!! Your parents are going on a date in New Year right?!" Chen excitedly asks as the entire EXO were playing in the snowy park

Xiumin nods and Chen ran away to tell the others that their gonna spend the NewYear at his house

Xiumin never understands why they couldn't go to their house and why they always go to his house
But he doesn't bother anyway
Seeing his Mother And Father are always away

Time goes on and all the twelve boys are gathered in Xiumin's house
It was 5:30 pm, still a long time before the New Year comes
So they decided to play some games, eat and watch TV

They were currently in Xiumin's room playing truth or dare

"Truth or dare Kyungsoo?" Kris asks when the bottle stops and the tip points at him

"Dare" he simply says as a small smirk makes it's way to his lips knowing where this is going

"I dare you.... To make out with the one you love the most for a whole minute"

"Easy, he'll pick me ofcourse" Kai says with a grin and shrug of shoulders

"Are you sure? Because I think I like Chanyeol a lot more than you" Kyungsoo smirks as he gets on all fours and crawls towards Chanyeol

"Wh-What?! Your lying!" Kai practically screeched as he saw Kyungsoo slowly lean forward to Chanyeol

"Hyung!! No!!" Kai then stands up then pulls Kyungsoo away from Chanyeol then smashed his lips to Kyungsoo, making the older be surprised of his sudden act but ended up smiling in the kiss and responding to it

The others took pictures and cooed at the possessive Jongin

The minute passed and they both moved away
Kyungsoo giggled at the sight of a pouting Kai with cheeks flushed

"Aww... Don't be mad at me NiNi"
Kyungsoo cooed and sat beside Kai

"No! You chose Chanyeol hyung instead of me!" Kai pouts and crosses his hands on his chest

"I was just playing with you, you know I love you more than anyone and anything. Plus, I ended up kissing YOU" Kyungsoo giggles and pecks Kai on the lips making him smile and wrap Kyungsoo in his arms

"Alright alright, thats enough you lovebirds" Luhan says and grabs the bottle before spinning it

They played for hours and they finally stopped when the clock striked 9 pm
They went out of Xiumin's room and decided to all relax at the living room and watch a movie

Xiumin and Chen went to grab some chips, soda's and popcorn while the rest started to choose a movie to watch

The 2 came back with their arms filled with food and drinks and they sat down on the floor since all the couches were taken

They all decided to watch
Miracle In Cell No.7 and dared themselves to not cry

Half way through the movie, Luhan and Baekhyun are already sobbing while the other's are trying their best not to cry
Most of the food have already been consumed and Xiumin volunteered to get more before they run out

He grabbed the remaining bags of chips in their cupboards and grabbed 12 bottles of soda's out of the fridge

Chen secretly followed him and surprised the other by saying 'boo' once he turned around

"Yah Chen! You troll!" Xiumin playfully hit the his arm while the other just laughed

"You should've seen your face hyung! It was priceless!" Chen said in between his laugh

"Yeah yeah, now help me carry these to the living room" Xiumin says after glaring at Chen making him stop laughing

They both carried all the snacks out to the living room and found all of them have already started crying

"It looks like its just me and Chen are the one's left" Xiumin said as he smirked at Chen before sitting at his previous position

The movie was almost ending and the 2 are struggling to keep their tears in their eyes

And in the end, Xiumin lost because he 'accidentaly' let a tear drop from his eye

Chen rejoiced but then joined crying when he looked back at the tv screen once more

The movie ended and they all stretched their aching bones

"Looks like no one won" Xiumin says as he looks at Chen who was wiping his tears away with a tissue

"Nope, someone did win" Suho says and they all turn to him

"Who?" Tao asks

"Lay" Suho smiles as he moves aside to let them see a sleeping Lay

Xiumin didnt even noticed Lay sleeping, and they were sitting right next to each other!

"No wonder why he was quiet all throughout the movie"

The others laughed at Lay

Lay stirred in his sleep before his eye lashes flutter open

"What's so funny?" He asks as he rubs his eyes from the sleep

"Nothing, just how you won the dare by sleeping" Baekhyun says

The other's laugh again and Lay tilted his head to the side in confusion

The rest of the time, they played and talked and ate
It was already 11:30 pm and they were all inside the living room with their significant others in their arms

By 11:50, Chen dragged Xiumin outside of his house and they ran towards the park and to the tree where they first met

The way their, Xiumin keeped on asking where they were going and later found out where

11:55 and they panted to catch their breaths as they sat under the tree and watched the sky

11:58 Chen wrapped his arms around Xiumin and started leaning closer

11:59 Chen leaned in and kissed the older

They kissed as the clock struck 12 and the New Year came
Fireworks danced in the dark night sky as the XiuChen couple were in their own little world

12:01 they part and stared into each other's eyes

"That was a good way to end the year and start the New Year" Xiumin giggles as he pecked Chen on the lips

Chen wraps his arm on Xiumin shoulder and Xiumin leans his head on Chen as they both watch the beautiful colors of the fireworks in the starry night sky

"I love you Minseok"

"I love you too Jongdae"


Happy New Year guys!!!

I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you guys a Happy New Year and hope you guys have a great year THIS YEAR!!

First chapter of the year :]


She was my inspiration in the idea of this chapter :D

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