Dylan when...

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Dylan when y/n accuses him of cheating at the game they were playing

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Dylan when y/n accuses him of cheating at the game they were playing.
"Dylan you cheated!" Y/n playfully shouts at her boyfriend.

Dylan gave y/n a sarcastic frown while laughing.

"Dylan it's not funny." Y/n said trying to hold back a smile at her adorable boyfriend.

"Yes it is." Dylan said laughing.

Dylan picked up y/n and put her on the couch, hovering over her. Dylan leaned in and kissed y/n, but got nothing back. Dylan pulled away and looked at y/n weirdly.

"Why didn't you kiss me back?" He pouted.

"Im not kissing you until you apologize." Y/n said, once again trying not to laugh.

"Fine. Im so sorry for cheating." Dylan said playfully rolling his eyes.

"I guess I forgive you."

"Good. Now kiss me."

Should I start a teen wolf imagines book? It would be a gif series.

𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ── dylan o'brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now