traumatized/ Thomas

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Kasey's pov

"Please be careful." I smile to my best friend Thomas who is about to run into the maze just as he does everyday.

"I will." He smiles as well.

"Seriously Thomas, you leave everyday and I never know wether or not you're gonna make it back. Please be careful." I gave him a reassuring smile and quick hug before he ran off into the maze.

I let out a breath and turned on my heels and walked off with Newt.


I look up at the sky, noticing it being towards the end of the day and made my way back to the entrance of the maze, as I did everyday, waiting for Thomas.

I watched one by one the runners came back in, yet still sign of Thomas. Then - I saw him.

Minho walked with an arm around his shoulder, Thomas.

I began running towards them but Minho held a hand up signaling me to stop. I watched as everyone in the glade took small movements, silence overcame as everyone watched Thomas.

suddenly a scream rang throughout the glade, coming from - Thomas?

Minho quickly carried Thomas off, I tried to follow but Newt held me back.

"Kasey - listen to me."

I turned to face Newt, tears brimming my eyes.

"What is wrong with him." I cried out, completely terrified.

"Something happened in the glade, we don't know what it is yet, but it traumatized him." Newt spoke softly and slowly.


I ate quietly, sitting alone. I wasn't exactly feeling the most cheerful after the awful news Newt gave me.

Why Thomas? Why did it have to be him. My bestfriend - the one I have fallen utterly in love with over the past year. Why him?

I snapped my head to the sound of someone clearing their throat, standing over me.

I look up and see Minho.

"Um, you're welcome to come see Thomas now." He spoke softly, like everyone had to me after I received the news.

I slowly nodded and stood up, following Minho. I was terrified of what I might find. What hurt him? rung throughout my mind. Whatever it was, it had a big effect on him.

I saw Thomas sitting on the bed he should he laying on, but he stared at the wall - emotionless.

Minho cleared his throat again, catching Thomas' attention this time. Thomas looked to Minho, but quickly widened his eyes once he saw me.

"Thomas-" I started, my voice already cracking as tears pricked my eyes.

"Kasey." Thomas spoke softly, like he was perfectly fine.

I lunged towards him wanting nothing more than to wrap my arms around him, put Minho caught my arm before I could. Thomas flinched at the sudden movement and looked to me in fear.

"What happened to you?" My voice cracked again, tears now falling.


[three days later]

I followed the familiar path I have walked the past three days in a row - to Thomas.

I have been "working" with him - as Alby says. Trying to erase any memory of whatever traumatized him.

I feel hopeless, like I might never get him back. However, yesterday he let me touch him, a small hug, but anything counts.

"Thomas?" I spoke lightly and softly as I found him sitting on the bed, the same view everyday.

He snapped to my voice and stood from the bed, walking towards me.

Within a few seconds he grabs my face and plants his lips to mine. I was shocked, yet content. I moved my lips in sync with his - as I had always wanted to.

"I think I'm in love with you." Thomas whispered, like he was out of the trance he had been trapped in the past few days.

"Thomas-" I began, thinking of a lecture on how he needs to rest, "I'm in love with you too." I finished, knowing it was true.

"Please help me." He trembled, now showing the signs of traumatization he had previously witnessed.

I nod and bring him back to the small table placed out.

"I will. I promise." I smile.

oh my god im sorry sucky ending
but i hope you like it :)

i love u all

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