Coffee Shop/ Dylan

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Paige's pov

"Oh my god! I can't believe you're getting married in L.A." I beam to my bestfriend as we walk out of the airport.

"I know." She smiles nervously.

"I'm so happy for you two. You're an amazing couple." I complement.

She sent me a warm smile, "Paige you will find somebody and when you do - I will be just as supportive as you are."

I nodded and grinned, clutching my bags thinking of finding the one. I wonder what he looks like, what he likes to do, when I will meet him.

"Thank you, but this month is all about you, it's your wedding!" I giggled as the two of us began walking to the nearby hotel.


"Hey I'm gonna go down to that coffee shop we passed." I called out to (y/b/f).

"Okay I'll be here." She giggled.

I chuckled and exited the hotel.


I push open the door of the coffee shop, instantly grinning at the espresso aroma filling my nose. It was quiet and cosy. Small couches and fuzzy pillows filled one of the surrounding walls, tables and chairs filled the other.

Small chatter rung throughout the small shop, not loud enough for a need to talk over, but a good volume, not complete silence.

I smiled at the short, female, barista and ordered myself a drink. She politely prepared my drink and handed it off to me.

"Thank you." I smiled, while I handed her a few dollar bills.

I debated on staying at the cute little shop, but I figured (y/b/f) would be wondering where I was if I stayed too long. I looked down to tuck my phone into my pocket and turned back, walking straight into a tall figure with a firm chest, spilling my drink all over them.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I exclaimed, tossing my hand over my mouth.

I finally looked to the face of the man. He was extremely attractive with dark brown hair and golden eyes, he had a trail of moles down his left cheek and a lopsided grin that was purely adorable.

"It's okay." he chuckled, wiping off the stain with the napkins I handed him.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention at all." I chuckled, embarrassed.

"Trust me it's fine, I'd have a pretty girl spill coffee on me any day." He chuckled.

I blushed, pursing my lips together and clasping my hands.

"I'm Dylan by the way." He smiled.

"Paige." I smiled back to him.

"Here, let me buy you another coffee." He offers, walking back to the barista.

"I think I should be buying you a coffee." I chuckled.

"No really, if you wouldn't have spilled it on me, I wouldn't have gotten to meet you." He continued towards the barista and ordered our drinks.

I blushed and tried holding back a smile. He was adorable.

After we received our drinks, we began walking back to my hotel.

"So you said your visiting L.A.? What for?" Dylan asks, shoving his hand into his pocket.

"My bestfriend's wedding." I smile. He nods and continues walking.

"How long have they been together?" He asks.

  "About four years."

"I've never really been in a committed relationship like that." He admits, scratching the back of his neck.

"Really?" I was confused, how could a guy like him not have a girlfriend?

"Yeah." he shrugs.

"Here it is." I turn to face the hotel we reached.

"Thanks for um, buying me a new coffee." I chuckled, "I'm sorry again for spilling it on you."

"Anytime." He laughed.

I began to walk up the steps when he stopped me.


I turned around to face him, "Can I um get your number?"

"Yeah sure." I replied, almost too quickly.

I pulled out my phone and handed it to him, letting him type his number in, as I typed mine into his phone.

"Do you um, maybe want to go out tonight - with me?" He said slowly, and nervously.

"I would love to." I blushed.


"I knew you'd find someone!" (y/b/f) squealed after I told her about Dylan.

"Calm down." I chuckled, "I gotta go get ready." I smiled and began to prepare for the date.

around forty minutes later, I was well dressed and walking out the door of the hotel, with Dylan.

We began walking down to the little restaurant a few blocks down, nothing too fancy, but a well suited place for a first date.

"You look amazing." He complemented.

I blushed and smiled down at my feet.

"Thank you." I gushed, "So do you."

The date went perfectly, each conversation came naturally and perfectly, like with each thing he said and did made him even more attractive - if that were even possible.
Once we had finished, we walked out of the small place and began walking back, just as we had earlier.

"Thank you, for that. I haven't been on a date that good in awhile." I chuckled.

"I'm hoping that means there will be a second one?" He replied, with a smile.

"For sure." I returned the smile.

The two of us stopped and stood facing each other, just enjoying the warm L.A. night.

I turned to look at Dylan, he bit his lip slightly and leaned down to me. I stood the slightest on my toes and connected our lips.

His hands found my waist as mine found his neck. The kiss was incredible, something I had longed for. After a good twenty seconds, we pulled away, smiling.

"I'm really glad you spilled your coffee on me." He chuckled.

"Me too."

I loved that one! Thank you @paigecook0 for requesting that!

I hope you enjoy it!


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