Splitting Up - Stiles

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Third person pov

y/n, Stiles, Scott and Isaac were all running from Jackson as the kanima.

Running through the woods they stopped to take a rest.

"We.. have to.. split up." Isaac says out of breath.

"Yeah.. Y/n with me, Stiles with Isaac." Scott replies.

"woah Scott what?" Stiles asks. He wasnt exactly fond of splitting up with his girlfriend while some thing was chasing them.

"No Scott we're not doing that. I-"

"Stiles." Scott interrupts him, "she's safer with me."

Stiles nods and began to run off the other direction with Isaac.


"Scott.. can we.. stop for a..second." y/n says out of breath.

As Scott was about to answer, the kanima pounces on y/n.

"y/n!" Scott screams before transforming into a wolf.

he roared and the kanima jumps off and runs away.

y/n had been knocked out unconscious with a few small scrapes.

Scott picks y/n up and runs to find Stiles and Isaac.

Stiles pov

As we were running from the kanima we eventually ran into Scott.

Scott began speaking to Isaac that the kanima ran off after it jumped on y/n but i could only stare at her body lying unconscious.

"Scott what the hell happened!" I shouted, "I thought you said she'd be safe with you!"

"Stiles calm down she's okay."

*back at Stiles' house*

I waited patiently for y/n to wake up as she lay in my arms on the couch.

"y/n please wake up" I mumbled.

a few minutes later her eyes fluttered open revealing her beautiful y/e/c eyes.

"Stiles?" she held her head, "what happened." She said getting up worried, "wheres Scott? and Isaac? Are they okay? are you okay?"

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into a hug. "Everyone is okay." I say letting out a sigh of relief that i could even say that sentence.

"I love you Stiles." y/n mumbles into my jacket.

"I love you too."

sorry first imagine, kinda sucked :(

𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ── dylan o'brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now