Of Course

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Penelope, that dumb blonde bimbo is the one I saw with Taylor. But.... That could only mean she's cheating on Shawn with Taylor. Wait. Taylor could never do that to Shawn they're best friends. Either way she is still trying to get with him. And either way she is messing with the wrong girl's best friend! "Im gonna rip that bimbos hair right out of her head!" I yelled aloud. "What are you yelling about now?"
"Oh nothing." I said in an annoyed voice. "No really what is it?" he asked worried. "You really wanna know?" "Yes i do." he said firmly. "Fine. While we were leaving the beach Alexis was talking to Taylor, because she likes him..." "Really? I always thought she avoided him?" he butted in. "Hey stop talking, do you wanna know or what?" "Yes, sorry. Please continue." "Thank you. But when we were leaving I saw him with his arm around......." I got quiet. "Around who?" he asked. "His arm was around Penelope. I don't know what it means but Alexis walked off looking pretty hurt... I should have told her I was leaving." I said apologetically. He didn't speak anymore, I would have but I just didn't know what to say. I think he needed the silence, he looked as if he could go crazy at any moment.

10 minutes later we finally got to the hospital. But when he picked me up this time it was different. it was harsh and quick. I felt his hands around the bottoms of my legs and around my back. I shook my head an thought to myself, NO you cannot have feelings for Shawn Mendes. He'll just break your heart. I'm so worried about Alexis.

We get into the hospital and the doctor has me taken to an examination room but he told Shawn he had to leave since he wasn't family. I mean it was only a jellyfish sting but he said goodbye and left. It wasn't really a normal goodbye, it was distant. Sad almost.
The doctor had finally finished with the sting when my mother had pulled up. She was pretty much running to me asking if I was okay and showering me with small kisses. "Haha! Mom I'm fine it was just a small sting!" I was trying to say while laughing at her antics. "Okay well let's just go home then. You need to rest." she said. "Did you get my stuff from the beach?" I asked her. "Yes it's all at home on your bed." "Okay thanks." I said to her. At that moment I reached for my necklace as I always do in these moments with my mom. But.. it wasn't there.. "MOM!" I pleaded. "What honey are you okay?!" she was panicking. "No! I'm not! Dads necklace is missing, I must have left it in Shawn's jeep!" I yelled. "Honey we can get it tomorrow just calm down." she said reassuringly. "A-are you sure?" I said stuttering. "Yes we can contact him tomorrow I promise." she said as she was wrapping her arms around me.

When we finally got home I found my phone on my bedspread. I grabbed it as soon as I could. I texted Shawn to ask if my necklace was in his car.
'Hey, Shawn, is my black arrowhead necklace in your jeep?'

'No. I thought you took it off before you got in the water?'

Wait how would he know that? Was he watching me? No he couldn't have been.

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. I'm sorry.'

'It's okay but thanks for trying to help. I guess I'll see you around.'

'Yeah. Later.'
And that was that. My necklace. Gone. Vanished. Wait... The only people up by my Convertible on the pavement around that time was Taylor and Penelope. But what would Taylor want with my necklace? It must have been that witch trying to get back at me for yesterday! I swear I'll get her if it's the last thing I do. That's my necklace and this is my summer, I'm not going to let that thing destroy it.
I hope you guys liked it! I know I haven't updated in a while so I know this might be a bit short! Please vote and comment to tell me what you think! <3

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