Too Cool 4U

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A/N; OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED. My entire summer has been writers block and it's like 2am and BOOM. ITS HIT ME! I hope you guys have stayed with the story! I start senior year soon and I'm like super nervous. Tap the vote button and throw me a follow ;) it would mean so much! I love your guys' comments! Spread the love!

Those Jeep headlights came uncomfortably close. The only person with a Jeep like that is Shawn. And I really don't want to hear anything from him right now. Or ever. Not after what he did today.

"Kallie! Quit walking away from me!"

"Sawn what the hell do you want?!" I basically was screaming in his face after he started running after me.

"I have no idea what you were doing with him but that's not even fair, do you even know him?" he said to me, I could hear the anger in his voice.

He had absurdly no right to be mad at me! Who does he think he is?!

"Your freaking psycho! You're telling me I shouldn't have been with him when you're the one who was defending Penelope when you know damn well what she's put me through!!" I was now feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"Now I can explain that. She wanted to hangout as friends that day so I agreed and I'm sorry but you fucking punched her in the mouth!"

"Are you serious?! She was grabbing for my hair! You have no idea the crap she's put me through. But it's not like you care Shawn all you care about now is yourself and your little Vine videos. Yeah. I know about them! When were you going to tell me? Keep your game I want nothing to do with you!!" I now had tears streaming down my face as I was explaining this to him.

"You know what, I don't care anymore! screw you! You don't even deserve me! You're not even cool enough, you're a loser, going nowhere! Yeah, and that 'bimbo' she's my girlfriend so back off you crazy slut! You'll never be good enough for me or anyone!" He was now yelling.

I never thought in this lifetime Shawn Mendes had the heart to cross that line. But he did. He didn't just cross it, he long jumped over that line.

All I could do was look at him, my mouth slightly ajar. With the warm tears now slowly falling down my cheeks. My eyes were wide and my heart was shattered. I can't believe I trusted him. The only words I could muster out as I tilted my head down were, "D-don't you ev-ever speak to me again.."

He simply said, "Kal-" because I stopped him by walking away.

I finally arrived home at 11pm with my hair all messed up from running my fingers through it and my makeup running and I'm sure you can imagine my fabulousness at the moment. My mother just saw me and didn't say a word. I knew she would try and talk to me in the morning about it though I'm sure of it.

The next morning I woke up and went to the bathroom, took and shower and looked in the mirror realizing just how terrible I looked. My eyes were puffy from crying all night. And my face was swollen, also from crying. I washed up my face and put on lazy day clothes. Just a pair of sweats and a ATL baggy shirt. Walking around in my fuzzy socks and my hair in a bun I came downstairs.

Mom had the table set. Great. A talk. And breakfast. This is going to be a while.

After telling mom the whole story and listening to the 'Awh's and 'I'm sorry's' she said she would give me money so I could get out of the house and do something to get my mind off of things. I ran upstairs to get ready for the coming day.

I grabbed ripped black skinnies with silver chucks, threw on a 5SOS tank and kept my hair how it was grabbed my sheer black over shawl and scooped up my phone about to call Alexis. But then I remembered. Cameron.

I called Cameron hoping he would pick up.

"Hello?" I heard a voice from the opposite line.

"Hey, uh, Cameron? It's Kallie, from yesterday at Sunrise."

"Oh hey beautiful! I was hoping you'd call soon, I didn't realize you were so eager to see me." I could hear the flirt in his voice.

"Haha, in your dreams lover boy. You free today to chill?"

"Yeah totally, give me your address and I'll come pick you up in 10!"

I gave him my address and soon enough I heard a honk.

I walked out the door after telling my mom goodbye and soon I stepped out to see a nice Altima in my driveway. I walked over and saw Cam sitting inside smiling and patting the inside passenger seat.

I hopped in and we ended up going to the beach to play a little volleyball. which I wasn't exactly dressed for but I played anyway.

As expected I got sand everywhere. in Cam's car and all over my nice jeans but I didn't care. So far I was having a blast.
We stopped at Sunrise for a break and then back to my house so I could grab my penny board. We kept his car at my house and rode around from there. I almost fell a few times but as to be expected Cameron was always there to catch me. He even held my hand around the sharp turns while we were riding.

You know. I was beginning to think. Maybe. Just maybe, there was a chance that I could get over Shawn.

When we finally got back to my house at the end of the day Cam walked me up to my door and said, "You know, this is the most fun I've had in a long time. Especially with a girl. You're not like most girls, you're exiting. And fun to talk to."

"Well you're not like most guys.You're not a total dick!" I said laughing.

"Thank you for asking me to hangout today."

"No problem, I was afraid you wouldn't pick up the phone."

I was hardcore flirting with him at this point and our bodies were only inches away as we were laughing. I guess at that point I tripped over a rock because I kind of fell. It's a good thing Cameron was there because he caught me but he was leaned against the railing. Faces mere centimeters apart. He stared into my eyes for what seemed like hours then dropped his gaze to my lips. And. Bam. It was like magic. His soft lips grazed mine then it was like a magnetic attraction. we wanted more. the kiss deepened and got a wee but passionate.

Once we both pulled away I looked at him and bit my lip smiling.

"Dang." he said.

"Yeah." I mustered.

"That was... wow. I had a great time tonight Kallie" he smiled and waved goodbye after he gave me a peck on the cheek. I waved goodbye as I went inside and walked up to my room.

As I shut my bedroom door I slid down it with the cheesiest grin on my face.

OHHHHH DRAMA LAMA!! Hey guys! I really hope you liked this chapter! I hope it wasn't too fast but I wan you guys to help me find a name for Kallie and Shawn!! Like putting them together and comment wether your in team Shawn or Team Cam!! Love you all, vote and stuffs!! Until next time!!❤️

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