New Beginings and New Problems

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Shawn's P.O.V.

"Yes Mrs. Cass I know it looked bad but please let me explain it to Kallie. It wasn't what it looked like, I wouldn't do that to Kallie. I care about her too much. And I never break my promises." I said as I was looking around her shoulders.

"Shawn is it? Listen. My only child and my baby girl is miserable, if your the one that broke we you'd better go fix it before I change my mind. I'm watching you boy," she said coldly as she pointed up the stairs, "second door on the left."

I thanked her as I ran up the stairs. I came to a black door with blue lettering on it that said 'Kallie' and above that was a 'No Trespassing' sign, well if I'm the bad boy I must break the rules! I did a small fist pump in the air and knocked lightly at first.

"Kallie, it's me Shawn." I quietly mumbled. I heard muffling inside the room.

"Kallie I know your mad but please you have to let me in and explain," I pleaded louder this time.

"Shawn, you did EXACTLY what you said you wouldn't do, why should I trust you ever again?" she almost screamed. I could hear the sobbing in her voice. I can believe I'm about to do this..


I heard all the claps and awes but I'm my head as soon as I played it all went black. Then there were the 'boos' and 'oh wow's' and my favorite, from my own girlfriend, 'I knew he shouldn't have done this, he sucks.'

*back to present time*

I replayed the lyrics in my head as I sat down against her door, my back to it. I haven't done this in two years... For anyone, not even my mom. But if it's for Kallie, I'll do anything...

"She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart, while I'm all alone drinking jack at my local bar, an we don't know how. How we got into this mad situation, only doing things out of frustration, trying to make it work but man these times are hard..." as I sing I can feel it all come back to me, the joy of the lyrics flowing off the tip of my tounge, but I also feel the pain and heartbreak of my past. It all overwhelms me and I too, begin to cry... I stop at about the second part of the chorus and get up to walk away. That's when I hear the door fly open.

Kallies P.O.V.

When I heard him start I had no idea it was him, I thought he was playing me some cheesy cover on his phone. But then I heard a faint cry, full of so much unbearable pain and I knew, that it was him. I sat and let the tears roll down my hot cheeks as I listened to his soft voice, it was beautiful. And by my favorite band too. But it all stopped at once kind of like a bus when it screeches to a sudden halt. But quiet. I heard his footsteps and it was as if I had no control over my body. Before I opened the door I realized, why would I care so much if all I wanted was to be friends? But that didn't matter right now, I needed to stop him. I flung the door open as he was about to go down the stairs.

"What the hell was that.." I said almost sobbing again.

"That was me apologizing, but I guess it's not enough." he said almost too blankly as he turned around. I didn't even say anything, I just ran. That's when I crashed into his white shirt, his smell, almost so hard I could've ran into his soul.. Ow. But I wrapped my arms around him, arms and all. We sort of stood there for a while, very silent. But the silence spoke for us. He knew... No. We knew that it was all okay and literally for the first time, I got my own little bit of Shawn Mendes. All to myself. For now.

He pulled away and turned around but didn't look me in the eyes, with his hand on the back of his neck he asked me, "are we okay?"

"Is that even a question." I said happily. We knew it was okay now.

The next day we didn't talk about it at all, not even the singing. I think he just wanted everything to be normal for a while. And it was. When the last bell rang for school to end I hopped in his jeep and we headed for the Sunrise Cafe, our favorite. He's been giving me rides to and from school lately, as a thanks I guess. But I don't want to think of it as anymore because I know he doesn't want anything more.

We hop out as he asks me, "Is that you who smells like vanilla?" He makes his way around the car and smells me. Basically inside my personal bubble smelling my vanilla shake body spray. Which I sprayed. On my collar bones. I feel my cheeks get hot as he replies with a 'yupp, it's you!'. And he begins to walk in while I'm still standing there, kind of like an idiot. But it's when I see girls giggling and pointing at him when I snap out of it. I scurry next to him and order my usual, a caramel iced coffee, I can still hear the girls whispering. They look around my age, I just haven't seen them around, and they're prettier, both wearing keds. And they have their sun dresses and long beach waved hair. Great. Just what I need the jealousy bug biting me in the butt right now! Well I look decent.. I guess.. I'm wearing my high waisted bleached shorts with a maroon and white stripped shirt along with white Jordan's and my beanie that says 'selfie' on top.

"Well then.." I whisper to myself as Shawn is done picking up our order.

"What?" he questions back at me.

"Oh nothing just. Uh. Nevermind.." I murmur.

"If you say so," he says like he brushes it off. Whew. I'm glad he...

Fuck. I see out of the corner of my eye the girl with the blonde and brown ombré hair, who was so attached to her best friend I minute ago, stroll over to Shawn. He just smiles politely and I hear her ask for his number, in which he politely gives her it. The right one. I ignore them and grab my phone to text Alexis, "This👏 rude👏 Ass 👏 bitch👏". *Send* That's when I look up to see her practically skipping away in those red Keds. I roll my eyes and I guess Shawn sees me cause he starts giggling in that voice of his. Fun. Now I have to deal with this.

"What was that for?" he half-laughs and half-talks.

"That was rude. Duh." I say quickly.

"Meh, I didn't really think so." he replies. That's when I hear my ringtone go off, Little Black Dress by One Direction. Its Alexis texting me back. I check it, it says "Girl you need to calm your tits you need Jesus I swear🙏" I lol her back and set my phone down. Normally she would've asked me why he opened but I think she's somewhere with Taylor? I ask Shawn if my longboard is in his trunk. He says yes and pops it for me. I grab my somewhat dirty British flag covered longboard and right before I take off Shawn asks me, "Where are you going?"

I reply back, "Somewhere, where I can think." And I'm off. I pass the Keds girls and they roll their eyes at me as I bring my lower eyelid down and stick out my tongue.

I'm just rolling down the boardwalk as I hear another longboard, it slows to about my pace. I look down and it's obviously rented, and it's Shawn. But it's also Alexis and Taylor walking behind at a slow jog as I slow down. This is what friends are for. Then I see a face, a tan-ish boy with hair flipped up, he winks at me, I think about earlier at the Cafe, and I wink back.


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time but I've recently had prom and it's my spring break and I have my ACT's in TWO DAYS.... *hyperventilates* I really hope you like this chapter, big surprises coming!!!❤️❤️

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