Chapter Three

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It took Janine twenty minutes to lead us out to the pack house. I was so nervous. I have never been out here. I was never allowed.

As we pulled into the driveway, I noticed how big the pack house actually was. We parked in front of the mansion and two burly men stepped out.

"These two must go and see alpha Johnson now." Janine said.

"Alright. Yes of course. this way." The one guard said leading us threw a huge open space.

We walked passed a door that lead into what seemed to be the living room and another door that seemed to lead into the kitchen. Then we headed up a spiral stair case.

We went to the top floor and walked down a short hall way that lead us to a huge set of French doors. They were beautiful. They had silver and gold all around the edges of the door and the hands were a carved wolf made out of ivory.

The guard knocked on the door and I heard a female voice filter threw the shut door. "Come in." she said cheerfully.

The guard opened the door and stepped in. He bowed and said "Luna this is princess Aeliana. She has requested a meeting with alpha Johnson."

"Please Wayne stop bowing it drives me crazy." The tall dark haired woman replied. Than she looked at Aeliana and myself. She had dark green eyes that seemed to glow slightly.

It was the Luna's turn to bow. "My princess. What a pleasure to see you again. May I be so bold as to ask you why you are here?"

"Luna Minx please stop bowing and look at me." Aeliana said smiling at the woman.

Minx looked up and smiled warmly. She motioned for us to sit but her eyes saw Janine and she frowned slightly at her.

Aeliana saw Minx frown and said "I would like her to remain. This deals with Esarosa." she said while placing her hand on my shoulder.

Minx's eyes went wide at that and indicated for Janine to sit near the window.

We all sat down and stared at one another. It seemed like along time before the door opened. I turned slightly to see a very tall broad shoulder man enter the room. The doors seemed really small in comparison to his frame. He walked over to Minx and leaned down and kissed her cheek. Than he sat in the chair beside her and looked at us.

"I am sorry for the wait. We had some issues at our west boarder. Seems some rogues are setting up a camp. But that's another discussion. I understand that we have some concern with Esarosa?" he turned his dark blue eyes on me and smiled even if it was a sad smile.

Aeliana nodded her head and than told him what she witnessed at the school. Alpha Johnson stayed quiet the whole time and frowning. every now and then he would glare at Janine. I saw her flinch. And try and hide further in her chair.

"I would like to know what you are planning to do as a punishment. I have never known this pack to be mean. Especially to someone who has never deserved it. And her mother is highly respected. Regardless of the fact she is a vampire. She will be here shortly as well I want her to know what has been going on."

Alpha Johnson kept clenching his jaw. I could tell he didn't like what he was hearing and didn't like being told what to do.

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