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"Come on Carter, get your lazy ass up!" My brother Ashton, yes from 5SOS, currently yells at me so I can get up for school. I give him the finger and roll over to go back to bed. "That's it," he says, and then I feel cold. He just tore the blanket off of me.
"ASHTON!" "GET UP LAZY BONES!" He says before he jumps onto my bed and starts jumping around. I couldn't help but laugh so hard at his childish act. "Fineeee, I'll get up, but your making me food!" I said pushing him out of my room and closing the door.
I groan really loudly and stretch my arms out. I walk over to my closet, it was currently spring, so it would either be sunny or rainy. I look outside my window and it was currently sunny. I grab a pair of ripped jeans, a black blouse and my white converse that have sharpie writin all over them. Since Ashton took them and did it as a April fools joke last year.
I hop in the shower really quick and then get dressed. I air dried my hair and let it take it's wavy self. I never do my makeup, people say I'm naturally beautiful without it. I gab my bag and hop down the stairs to see Ashton on his phone holding a half eaten doughnut. I walk up to him and snatch the doughnut and finish it.
"Hey! I was eating that!" "No you were to interested in your phone to even see me come up," I said laughing. "Come on Cart, let's go to school," "I hate the place, it's living hell Ash!" "Yeah yeah just get your ass in the car," he says shooing me out the door. We got into the sports car that Ashton currently owned because of his band and how rich our parents were.
We arrived at the school within a good 15 minuet drive. And during that 15 mins was Ashton and I screaming our lungs out with their recently new song AMNESIA!!!! It's actually pretty good. Ashton hugs me good bye and walks off to his band.
I walk off to my locker to find Tess already there. "Good morning! I see you aren't that late today," she says laughing, "not today Ashton jumped on me with his 6 foot self!" "Haha! I would've loved to see that," "shut the hell up Tess!" By now her and I were laughing. That's when they walked by.
My brothers band and the annoying sluts that follow them like lost puppies. They wore short skirts and crop tops that show off to much. The main bitch is Layla, her other hoes are Chelsea, Addi, Erin, and they hang all over them. Lucky my brother doesn't like that shit, Addi is all over him right now and he pushes her off.
"But baby-" she starts, "don't fuckin call me baby, I don't deal with sluts like you!" I run up to my brother and touch his shoulder, "hey hey hey, ash, it's okay," "oh lookie her it's the biggest whore in the school!" Layla says. "Don't call her a-" "actually Ashton, I don't need you to fight my battles I got this one,"
"Awe she has to have her big brother to fight her battles!" Layla says and everyone laughs except for my brothers band mates. "She's such a slut!" Chelsea says, "she can't keep her legs closed!" Layla adds.
"Hmm let's see, Im the biggest slut? My body isn't half fake with plastic to make my boobs and ass bigger then Kim k, also i don't open my legs as much as you do Layla, I'm surprised they haven't made you a sign yet that says "This way to Narnia!" So how about you close your legs and shut the fuck up Layla, you know I'm surprised, weren't you just fucking Dan the nerd in the closet yesterday for him to do your homework? I didn't think a whore like you could stoop that low, oh wait you can because you came from hell, have a nice day!"
Everyone looked at me and then screamed "OHHHHHHH SHE TOLD YOU!" Layla started crying and ran away with her little wanna be's. I dropped my shoulders in relief. "Holy shit, Carter I didn't know you had the guts to say that!" Micheal one of the band mates, said. I chuckled. "Damn you must get it from Ashton," Calum another member said laughing.
Luke didn't say anything, he was just leaning against the lockers like usual. Dark and mysterious, bad and bold, you name it, and it describes Luke. I quickly looked away before anyone noticed I was staring.
I felt a arm around my shoulder, "hey you okay?" Ashton's eyes were filled with worry and concern. "Yeah...I'm fine, I'm just gonna go to class now, come on Tess.." I said standing on my tippy toes to peck Ashton's cheek before leaving because he hates it when I do that.
Tess was walking with me to class since we share first period together. "Holy shit Car that was-" "horrible? Weak? Stupid?" "No amazing!" She says jumping up and grabbing my hands. I laugh a little at her action. "Hey your not a slut and you don't open your legs, just be lucky you still have your V card hun, she's a whale and has whale STDs," we laugh at her comment towards Layla.
We enter the class room and sit in the usual back row in the corner where the teacher couldn't see us. It was a movie day and we spend time on our phones instead of watching. Tess asked me to do her hair. Tess was beautiful. She had long blonde hair, a nice body, she was smart and a trouble maker, she was adventurous and out going.
Unlike me I had burnet hair, a nice body according to Tess, I was smart but sometimes clueless, I was a trouble maker too, I was super against adventures and out going, but with Tess I didn't care. She was my best friend since Kindergarten.
I had did a water fall braid in her long hair and it looked really good on her. "Thanks!" "No problem!" "Wanna ditch?" "Sure let me text ash and we can meet up or somethin," "you know you are so lucky to be related to him," "not really, Everyone never notices me and no one would ever guess I'm his sister," "well still, your still lucky," she giggles.
We got up and left, the teacher had fallen asleep anyways. It was the day before spring break, why would anyone wanna be here? We meet up with Ash and his gang at my locker since it was the half way point between classes. "Spring Break is here guys!" Tess says raising her hands, Ashton laughs, they would be so cute together.
Luke is leaning against my locker, holy shit, against my locker! "Y'all wanna head to the beach house tomorrow?" Ashton asks everyone. "Hell yeah!" We all said. We all left school and went home, no one cared. I headed home to my room and grabbed a duffle bag out of my closet.
I packed 8 bikinis total, because we are gonna be there for two weeks, shirts and shorts, bras and underwear, and my bathroom supplies. I loved spring break it's where mom and dad let Ashton and I invite friends to our huge beach house. Ashton let's me drink so we all get hella drunk.
But I seriously can't wait to spend two whole weeks with
Luke Hemmings.

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