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It's now quarter past two in the morning, and our house is full of life. Or full of misery. The three of us were in the living room, trying to make sense of what was happening to me and what my visions meant.

I was sitting on the couch, staring at the multiple lights in the ceiling while my tears were trickling down my face. I was holding mug of hot chocolate, but I never took a sip from it. There were also untouched hot chocolate drinks on the table. Celeste was rubbing my shoulders, trying to soothe me. Gabe was pacing back and forth in front of us, occasionaly stopping to look at me, run his hands over his hair and face and then resume his pacing.

"Astrid, tell me exactly what you saw," Gabe said breaking the eerie silence that surrounded the house.

We were probably the only ones awake at this time in Celestial Cove. You couldn't hear anything from outside, not a gentle breeze of air, not even the howl of the dogs. The only sound that I could hear was the pounding of my heart, slamming against my rib cage.

"I already told you, Gabe--" I started.

"No Astrid. I meant from the first time that it happened to you," he said, almost in a pleading voice. "Tell us everything and don't leave out a single detail."

"Gabe, maybe now is not--" Celeste said, only to be cut off by a raging Gabe.

"Now is not the time for what, Celeste!? For her," I flinched at his words. He was talking as if I wasn't even there. "To tell us the truth!? The truth that she has been having these--these nightmares and visions that she shouldn't have!?

"Then when is the time Celeste!? Huh? When more humans die? When she has lost sight of her mission!?" He continued and I begged for him to stop. There was a worry in his voice that made me want to cry more. "Of why she is here!? W-when she has totally morphed into a human!?"

"Stop it, Gabe." Celeste gave him a warning look, but he didn't care.

"Stop what!? Stop telling the truth!? Stop trying to wake her up from her teenager fantasies!?"

"Gabriel!" Celeste snapped at him. "Enough! She's not some child who needs assitance in every little thing that she does. She's also an angel."

"An angel who doesn't act like one!" Gabe insisted.

"Then help her! For goodness' sake! Don't shout at her! It won't do us any good!"

They had one of those battles where you stare at each other until one backs out. Celeste was never the person you could argue with, obviously she won.

Gabe sighed with a defeated look. "Look Astrid, I'm sorry, but you have to tell us what's going on. We were chosen to accompany you, so that we could help you. We can't help you if you keep on being so secretive."

Gabe was right. I couldn't accomplish anything on my own, might as well tell them what's going on. I don't even know what my visions mean, so maybe they do.

I started telling them about all of my visions and weird dreams - from the time that I saw Habrafiel and my judgment, the time I was stripped of my wings and divinity, Stephen falling into hell, Arkas with Habrafiel and another demon, me sharing a body with a demon and murdering another girl, up to the visions showed to me by the demon inside Queen.

"Who's Queen?" Celeste asked. "I've never heard of her before."

"She just came back from somewhere. She used to study in St. MIchael's also," I answered.

"Was that the girl you were with last time?" Gabe remembered and I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us that earlier?" he started again, "I even told you to stay away from her, didn't I?"

"Can't do that. I'll be competing against her in the pageant, and she offered me help. Lastly, she's my friend."

"Then what happens if your friend  turns out to be really a demon, and not just a projection you made?" Gabe retorted.

 "Don't you think I would have noticed it by now if she was an enemy?" I scowled at him.

"Don't scowl at me. It's not like you notice everything around you."

"Gabriel! How many times do I have to tell you to stop scolding your sister?" Celeste cuts in before I could throw another word to Gabe. "Like what the hell is your problem, Gabe!?"

Gabe and I looked at Celeste in surprise. I shamelessly gaped at her and she stared back because she was unaware of what she just said.

"What?" She demanded with a scowl.

"Really Celeste?" Gabe mocked. " 'Like what the hell' ? Are you kidding me? Since when has human language invaded your tongue?"

"I- uh. What?" Celeste stammered. I tried my best to hold it in, but I couldn't do it anymore. I burst out laughing as if nothing happened a while ago. Soon after, Gabe joined me, leaving Celeste to wonder about what we were laughing about.

 "Okay. Okay, enough with your glares Celeste." Gabe said as he tried to stop the both of us and to calm Celeste down because of her fuming. Unfortunately, we still can't stop.

"No, seriously, Astrid. We have to stop. We have to figure out what's going on," he turned serious.

"Okay," I gasped for air. "I'm listening."

"Finally." Celeste rolled her eyes. I could tell that she was really annoyed. I had never seen her get like this before, as if she was a whole different person. Well, I probably shouldn't get on her bad side again. I don't think she's used to be the being made fun of.

"So is Astrid one of the Prophecy Angels?" Gabe turned to Celeste but she just shook her head.

"I don't think that's possible. Normally, the Prophecy Angels don't see what happened in the past," she explained. "Sure, they can have see important events in the past that are related to the future, but only snippets of it. But one thing they can't do is that they can't heal others but themselves; the healers can't see prophecies either. But Astrid, she could do both things."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning, she doesn't know what's happening," Gabe answered, I turned to him with a questioning look, but he continued, "and I don''t have any idea either. You really are one work of art."

"Gee, thanks, Gabriel. I'll take that as a compliment," I answered sarcastically.

"This kid is even more powerful than I thought," Celeste whispered to herself. "This is going to be troublesome." For a moment, I saw a flicker of an emotion, but it was gone before I could even tell what it was. I guess that was worry.

"Sorry? What were you saying, Celeste?" Gabe asked.

"Oh. It was nothing. We should definitely go to sleep now," she replied.

"I agree, let's go." Gabe instructed. "And Astrid?"


"If anything else happens. . ." he trailed off.

"Yes, yes, I will tell you immediately. Good night." I navigated my way to my room. I doubt I would be able to sleep now, though.

"And watch out for Queen! She might be dangerous!" Celeste reminded and I shrugged. Was Queen really dangerous? She didn't seem like that at all to me. But what am I, really?


(A/N: Okaaaaaaayyyy! I'm so back in action. haha. I'm so sorry, I was too lazy and too busy and too slow. But whatever. :3 I'll have at least two updates every month. Look forward to it! <3 Hihi.)

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