Chapter 5

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As we entered the city, my excitement grew and grew. Walking on the cobblestone path ways, and surrounded by the almost mystical energy that the city gave off, I realized that Beck was right. It didn't matter who I was. Or how professional I was. In this moment right now, I was a little kid at Disneyland. I felt my eyes, wide and curious, as I took in everything. The glistening green and orange sky, the golden cobblestone underneath my feet -- that almost convinced me that I WAS in Emerald City --The tall and intimidating buildings that rose far above my head and disappeared into the clouds above. The people, who reminded me of ghosts that floated throughout the city, but they weren't as scary as you would think. They almost And the happy chatter that surrounded me. All the people laughing and smiling. It seemed definitely like a dream. It was one that I would be more than happy not to wake up from.

I must have looked funny, looking around the city, because I felt a pair of eyes on me. Turning, I caught Beck staring from just a few feet away. Our eyes locked for a moment, my goofy smile still on my face. We kept our eye contact for a good twenty seconds... before he was the one to break the gaze. I saw sadness in his eyes as he looked away. I felt my smile slowly fade, as I craved to know why he never smiled back. Why he never REALLY smiled back.

Beck has one of those smiles that you almost know he's holding back. He smiles, sure, but something in my gut told me that he's holding back what he really feels. He's holding back his real, amazing smile. He had the potential to light up this entire room, if he really so wanted to. I needed to know why he held back. I wanted to know Beck Mitchell's story. If he'll let me hear it. I wanted him to know that it was going to be okay. That he can trust me. I wish he knew...

I let out a sigh, but tried to get my mind off of it for now. I knew that no matter what, I probably couldn't change him. At least not right away. But hell, that wouldn't stop me from trying.

I nodded to myself, sure of my decision. I was going to try to make Beck smile.

If I was going to be here for a little bit of time, I might as well have a mission. That's how I operated, anyway. This seemed like a good mission. So that was that. I was going to make him smile if it killed me.

And, looking at his hardened, sorrow ridden face, I knew that it just might.

"What are you grinning at like that?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned toward the sound, coming face to face with a bigger man. He was grinning ear to ear, his bright blue eyes fixed on me as he awaited my answer.


"I--nothing," I stammered, trying to hide the fact that I was staring at Beck.

But the man knew better, as his thick, blonde eyebrows shot up. He continued his toothy grin, searching my face for some sort of clue.

"You're happy," he nodded, pulling on his overalls, "I like it!"

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded quickly. Beck chuckled to himself, amused at how embarrassed I was at that moment. I shot him a glare when the big man wasn't looking, but ended up shaking my head, a smile on my face.

"I'm Billy, it's nice to meet your acquaintance, ma'am," he stuck out his big hand.

I found myself giggling, as I shook his hand.

"I'm Olivia," I couldn't help but find myself amused at his entire demeanor.

We ended up chatting for a good 10 minutes, as he told me all about his cows and horses and everything on his farm. I told him about me, whenever I could get a word in. The man was very chatty, there's no doubting that. His eyes sparkled every time he spoke, and he bounced a bit on his toes, as if he was about ready to spring up in happiness. He spoke about his daughters, one who is about ready to go off to college. He told me how excited he was for her. And how he hoped he woke up soon to see it.

"she goes off in 2013," he nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

But I could not return the smile. I felt a pang in my chest as I realized what he meant. He still thought it was 2012. He still thought his baby daughter was going off to college next year. In reality? He's been asleep for five years. The poor man didn't even know it.

I had panic rise inside my chest just then, as a thought ran through my brain. If he had no idea it's been five years, who's to say I didn't lose track of time? How long have I been here already? Minutes? Hours? Days? Or maybe the dreaded...years? There is no telling. I couldn't figure it out. Time was nothing here. And that's what made me worried. Without thinking, I turned and locked eyes with Beck, fear flashing in my eyes. When he saw this, his smile faded, and he ran over to catch me as I fainted.

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