Chapter 8

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There we stood, Beck and I, on top of the tallest mountain there was, staring out at the vast horizon. The vivid greens and purples and blues and reds all blurred together like a beautiful watercolor panting in the making. I was almost jealous of whoever made the world. They were the best artist yet, and nobody could quite replicate the work of art that is the earth. Even if this place isn't on earth, or even real, for that's still made me envious.

If only I could paint a picture this beautiful. What a wonder that would be.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Beck was asking me, his eyes knowing, "I come here to think. Whenever my old life comes crawling back into my mind. Whenever I miss someone or think about the time..I come here. I come here often, come to think of it,"

I turned toward him, hope flowing throughout me. Was he going to let me in? Was he finally going to tell me something about him? I bit my lip and kept calm. He reminded me of a skittish rabbit. If you were to frighten him, he'd run and hide. But if you stepped carefully.... only then did he tell you anything.

He sighed.

"I lied. I didn't just stumble upon you while walking by," he said to me, nodding towards the shore in the distance, "I was standing here when I saw you walk out of the water. By the time I got down to you, you were just standing on that hill looking dazed. Thought I should help you," he shrugged.

I thought back to what Cara said. The system. Beck created it, didn't he?

"Beck," I said, deep in thought, "you like helping people...don't you? You don't like to admit it, but you do. That's why you created the program--"

"--the what?" he interrupted me.

Shoot. I shouldn't have said anything. I bit my lip.

"Nothing..." I shook my head, only continuing when Beck gave me a look, "Cara...she told me you created a program for people like me. People who are scared and confused and who need guidance,"

He chuckled slightly, which surprised me greatly. I felt my cheeks redden.

"It's really cool, Beck. It's cool of you to help those people..." I said more sternly then I meant to.

Beck shook his head and smiled at me. Why was he smiling? I crossed my arms as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"What?" I asked through my teeth.

Beck finally spoke after he managed to stop laughing and smiling.

"Nothing," he shrugged.

Without thinking, I playfully punched his shoulder. We both fell silent at the unexpected reaction, before bursting into laughter.

"Beck, seriously, what?" I asked again.

"It's nothing, really. It's-- fine. It's just that you're such a child," he laughed.

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open.

"I am not-- Beck that is so..." I stammered.

I couldn't find words. All I could do was stare in shock at the once-grumpy Beck, who was now giggling like a school boy.

"You don't remind me of a cop. You're just a kid," he grinned.

"I'm only a few years younger than you are, Beck," I threw my hands up.

He bit his lip.

"I'm sorry. It's just so funny to watch you get all defensive,"

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe he was amused by something like that. He was the one acting like a child.

Even if he was being childish, I still couldn't help but smile. It filled me with so much joy that he was happy. Even if it was making fun of me. It made me feel that I was that much closer to my goal of making him always like this.

"Hey," I smiled softly at him, "you never answered my question,"

He raised his eyebrows, shrugging slightly.

"Didn't I?"

So it's true. Beck made a program to help people like me who were confused. Who needed aid. He understood them. Beck was not who I previously thought he was. Beck was kindhearted and patient, even when he cased his true self inside a cocoon of apathy and sadness. I wonder why he did that....and I wonder what it would take for him to break out.

"'re a good person..." I mumbled to myself, hoping he wouldn't hear.

He shuffled his feet, staring down at the ground as an eerie silence fell between us. It felt nice, talking to Beck like this. Well, before the silence, that is. I felt like I was finally getting to know the real him. And for some reason, that's all I want to do. I couldn't figure out why.

"This has been a crazy day," I just realized.

This is true. So much has happened today. I was knocked into a coma. I came to this place. I met Beck. Saw the city. And got Beck to open up to me. All in one day.

And that was all after my accident.

My accident.

The memory finally came back to me. My car spinning out. The world being turned upside down. The windshield shattering around me. The headlights. The fall. The cold water. The ice cold water.

My sleeves. That's why they were dripping wet. That's why Beck saw me walk out of the water. Because that's where I--

My smile faded.

It all made sense now. Everything was clear as day. This really WAS real. It wasn't all a dream. I was in a coma. And, no matter how much I believed it before, there was no denying it now. I was here now. I was here.

"Yes," Beck nodded, a smile on his face, "it has,"

What. What was he saying.

"This has been a crazy day,"

I looked back at him, aware of how panicked I probably looked and how sick I felt.

But Beck? He had no clue. No clue at all.

He continued staring out at the sky, which was now orange.

And sighed.

And I ran.


This is not a good chapter. I am so sorry. I've been distracted the last few days. But if anyone actually reads these, keep reading! It'll get better, I promise!!

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