Chapter 16 -- The End.

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You know when you go to sleep at night and you have a very vivid dreams that you can't seem to get your mind off of? But the only problem is that they are on the edge of your mind, the tip of your tongue, right at your fingertips....then they slip away. Then those dreams are vague and stored within the deepest depths of your mind. Eventually, they become nothing more but merely a dream that once was. And life goes on. It carries on like it always would have. Because it's only a dream. What does it matter if you forget it?

It had been two months since I had woken up from my three month coma. I didn't recall any of the events prior to my coma, I have no recollection of how I was knocked into my coma, and I cannot remember for the life of me what I was dreaming about when I was asleep. I know there was something. I know it was something significant, possibly something crazy and marvelous at the same time. But I could not seem to remember. And it didn't matter. I had returned to work, I was healing just fine, and on top of everything, Jensen and I cracked down and caught the man behind those Atlanta murders/assaults. Everything was good. There is no need for dreams. No need for fairytales. I was alive and well. That's all that mattered.

Jensen took the chair next to me, pulling it up at my desk and picking up a pen to fiddle with.  He always did this when he wanted to discuss a case. I took it as a sign and closed the file that was opened on my desk. I smiled and waited for him to speak.

"Court tomorrow. You excited?" he asked, tapping the pen against the palm of his hand.

I couldn't help by shrug. Was I excited? I mean, we caught the guy. But something still didn't feel complete. There was a nagging feel of unfinished business. Closure that was still needed. But I'm sure it's nothing. I just hoped we didn't miss anything.

"I'm excited. I mean, think about it, Liv. We were so close but we couldn't bring him in. And then you wake up and evidence starts pouring in," he leaned back in the chair, "you're the precincts good luck charm. I know it,"

I shrugged once more, twirling a pencil between two fingers and staring off into the distance.

"I didn't do anything. You're the one who kept at it for so long. It was a job well done," I nodded, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you. Although, I can't take full credit. The entire precinct had my back. You did too when you woke up. And then there was that Anonymous tip," he pointed out.

The tip. It came about a week after I woke from my coma. It was a witness statement from someone who didn't wish to be identified. A background check was done, obviously, and it was clarified that the tip came from a victim of that night. A victim of the Atlanta attack. They gave us all the remaining information we needed. Filled all the rest of the gaps. And, boom, we had a case. It was almost too easy. It didn't feel right.

"Well you still do a good job," I told him, leaning back in my chair.

"I don't need praise, Liv. Those people get justice. That's all that matters,"

I bit my lip and crossed my arms.

"Justice....I don't feel like that's what's most important. I think--"

I was interrupted when the phone rang. Jensen gave me a "sorry" glance before picking it up.

"Yeah? Now? But I thought....yeah. For the court proceeding? He decided to testify? Okay....yeah....ten minutes...? I-- hold on," Jensen said to the other person, before mouthing that he was sorry.

I waved, as if to tell him that it's okay, I've got work to do anyway. He nodded with understanding, continuing his call. I wondered what the phone call was about, but came to the conclusion that it wasn't my business anyway. I thus decided that I should get a breath of fresh air. It was pretty early, but the weather was pretty nice. Wouldn't hurt.

I took a step outside.

Staring up into the bright blue sky, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something I was missing.

Every time I passed a store and saw a manikin wearing any shade of a grey tux, I get this feeling that washes over me. Sunsets have the same affect. As does the moon and gardens and classical music and the shore of the beach. All made me feel as if I was missing a piece of my life.

But, how can that be? I was asleep. There's nothing to miss but a dream. Just a dream. Right? A dream....

I wish I knew. But, I suppose it's just one of those things that will remain a mystery. Forever, perhaps. However long it wanted to remain a mystery.

Life is funny that way.

With a sigh, I realized that it was time to let all this go. I realized it was time to move on from whatever I was stuck on, and to continue with my life. There was so much out there. I just had to find it. I had faith that I would.

A wise man once said, it's something about hope. I wish I could remember who told me, but I couldn't bring myself to recall the name or face.

Taking one last look at my surroundings, I started to head in, when I ran right into a stranger.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I wasn't looking..." I shook my head.

"Watch where you're going, stupid," I heard a man with a thick accent say.

Did...he....? Did that man just call me stupid?

"Hey, buddy, there's no need for that. It was an accident. You don't have to call me stupid, "I narrowed my eyes at the man.

I drew in a breath as the man's breathtaking hazel eyes locked into my deep brown ones. He brushed back his curly brown hair, smiling slightly at me as he took his place right in front of me. I looked down and saw it, the ash gray suit. The one that was so damn familiar.

"I'm sorry...ah....I don't know where that came from. I don't speak to people like just happened...." he rubbed the back of his neck.

Hm....there was something about this guy that seemed oddly familiar. I just couldn't place it.

"It's fine," I shook my head, my eyes glued to the ground.

"I'm, Beck. Beck Mitchell," he put out his hand for me to shake it, "I'm your witness for tomorrow's trial,"

The witness! Oh! Yeah! Jensen mentioned something about someone deciding to testify.

"Ah, so that's you. Good to know. I'm Olivia--" my mind became a blur as my hand touched his, and I found I couldn't speak.

"Olivia Scott. I know. I'm up to date. Thanks for everything, by the way. Getting this guy. I wish I could have helped earlier, but i was in a long coma. Just woke up recently," he shrugged and looked away.

He was? What a coincidence....

"Really? I was too," I nodded slowly, biting my lip.

"You were?" he asked, his eyebrows narrowing in a familiar curiosity, "huh,"

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