Chapter 8 - A Song No One Sings

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Katie's P.O.V - 2 weeks later - 4 days 'til tour

"... I love you, dad." I said, randomly, sitting in the passenger seat of dad's car. He was driving us home after tour preparation. I was exited about tour. I was also getting my cast off tomorrow, so I was making the most of it and colouring my cast in, where people didn't sign.

"I love you too. I'm glad you're talking more, now. You don't even sound scratchy, anymore." Dad smiled, glancing at me, with a smile on his face.
"I still don't like talking a lot, but if it helps..." I shrugged, keeping my voice quiet.
"Katie, you have nothing to be afraid of. It's just tour get busy and a lot goes on. Hearing your voice, would help us out a lot. You've seen us play live. Everything happens." Dad chuckled at the end.

For some reason, I thought about Sid breaking his feet, when dad said all that. I smiled, but my smile faded, when I thought of Scotty.
"Dad... I don't think I have any friends anymore." I mumbled.
Dad glanced at me, with a frown.

I spoke with such bad timing. Snuff started playing on the stereo.
Dad turned the volume way down, not enough that we couldn't hear the song, but enough so we could talk.
"No more excuses?" Dad asked.
"No more." I replied.
"I'm sorry, Katie... You still wanna see your Gran?" Dad asked, turning onto our street.
"Yeah! I miss her... I just... I wish they said something... I wish they gave me a reason." I frowned.

"Yeah... Sometimes things happen... You never find out the reason why. It hurts a lot, but sometimes I don't want a reason. I don't think I could take it..." Dad was talking about mom.
"I miss her." I mumbled.
"So do I... but I'm so happy I have you." Dad stopped the car, outside the house.

I smiled, sadly, at him. Dad looked at the house and then back at the road. He carried on driving. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't really question it.

"Your mom was my best friend." Dad sighed.
"I know. She was mine too, but now she's gone... I think you are." I looked at him.
He smiled and turned the music back up.

"I remember the day before her funeral. Johnny, Shiloh, Scotty and Chase came over. They climbed through my window. We just sat around, in my room, listening to Scotty's play list. I still have it, on my laptop... but I remember the atmosphere. It was numb... Lonely... It hurt all of us." I was really talking.
"Didn't Chase quote Fast and Furious? At the funeral... He meant those words, you kids were so close. You had all the jokes, all the quotes, all the music. You had it all. You reminded us of our school days. A bunch of kids, just being themselves, not worrying about what other people said. You were best friends... Just like us." Dad said. 'Us' being Slipknot, Stacy, Brenna and mom.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as dad drove passed my favourite pizza restaurant.
"I don't know... Figured we could use the drive. I know!" Dad smiled, getting an idea.
I smiled and shrugged.

I was surprised, by how much I was talking. I smiled to myself. Mom didn't speak much. She just spoke to my dad, the odd time. To be honest, talking felt nice. It was like I was given more freedom. A lot like the first time mom let me go to the park with Shiloh. It was just us two, no adults. No one watching over us.

I was 7... I remember mom saying I had to be home by 8. I wore my pink watch, with bears all over it. Gran bought me it, for my 7th birthday. Shiloh took me to the park, where we played hide and seek. When it got to 8, we walked home just talking. I was so happy, to be out without mom. I didn't mind being seen with her! Never did! It's just the freedom...
It's a memory I hold very close to me.

Dad pulled into a car park. We both climbed out the car, once he parked, and I followed him down the street. It was a quiet area. Just some houses lined up, a main road and a graveyard.
I had a feeling I knew where we were going...

Dad held the gate open for me and closed it behind us. I walked with dad up a small hill. (A/N - This may get upsetting, so I wont go into detail) Dad's face had a slight frown on it, but he seemed a bit happier that we were here. I followed dad to a grave.

Dad looked at me and then at the gravestone. I read the name and sighed.
I sat on the floor with dad. No one was here, just... us 3. It was a bright sunny day, with the wind blowing by. The atmosphere felt rare. Something that was clearly noticeable, but yet, something you wouldn't address.

"Hi, Paul." I said, my eyes on his name.
"One of the greatest people... I had the pleasure to meet." Dad smiled, softly.
I smiled a little. "He was my godfather. Did he miss me?" I asked.
"Yeah. He was stronger then me, but you could tell he missed you, just as much as we all did. You and Cortney. Paul was the guy who never left anyone out." Dad replied.

"I don't know if this makes sense, since we never really met... but... I miss you. I know we never really met and I haven't come here before... but I miss you. Yeah, you're on YouTube and on Slipknot posters, but..." I sighed, talking to Paul. "But... that's not the same, as having you here with us... I hope you're with my mom... I know she missed you too. You were best friends. I hope you're... happy... Happy that Brenna's happy. Happy that Slipknot are doing amazing. Happy I'm here... I know you're here in spirit... and I hope I come here again, to see you. The words 'I miss you', feel right, for this... You're family." I didn't think. I just let the words flow.

(A/N - I'm so sorry if you're upset by this. It's ending soon...)

Dad smiled softly, at me and we stayed with Paul for a while. I had my beliefs. Life after death is in those beliefs... I knew with the way I imagined things, it got deep, but for me, it all felt right.


I climbed back in the car an hour later. Dad smiled at me, starting the car up.
"You OK?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm good." I nodded.

I was so happy I saw Paul's grave. It felt like a piece of a puzzle was put into place. I felt better then I did, before seeing Paul.

"Why don't we get pizza?" Dad asked, parking by my favourite restaurant.
"Can we invite Brenna?" I asked.
"Yeah." Dad smiled, grabbing his phone.
I smiled and we waited in the car, for 20 minutes for Brenna to arrive.

We sat by the window, sharing a big, extra cheesy, pizza, with onions, peppers and pineapple. My OPP. I was talking more now. I didn't think... I just went for it. I felt happy with my dad and Brenna here. Times had been hard, but right now... It felt like time had stopped. Everything felt.... perfect.

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