Chapter 16 - My Best Friend

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Johnny's P.O.V

I walked in the kitchen, that night, and got myself a drink. Some of us were gonna stay over, now Katie was here. I smiled to myself, thinking. Katie was here. She remembered us. She wanted to know us, still... It was great. I've missed her loads! and I know how Scotty feels about her. He's got 3 weeks, so I'm gonna play cupid.

After Jade moved away, we all started talking and being honest, making there no secrets, too deep, between us. Shiloh had a crush on Katie, but never acted on it, as he had a girlfriend, slowly that crush faded, and Scotty started talking to me and Chase.
The way he spoke about Katie was what caught our attention. He made her out to be the only girl in the world. It was incredible.

I know Katie and Chase are like brother and sister. No one will be able to change that. Katie and I were- are best friends. Always have been and we always will. Having her back is gonna be awesome. Even if she is only here for 3 weeks.

I poured me some soda and shrugged to myself, taking my cup and the bottle into the living room. Katie, Scotty and Chase were chilling around Eric's chair. It's been around 4 years now, I think... and Helen never got rid of Eric's chair. If that isn't love, then I don't know what is!
"So, you used to live in Jade's old house?" Chase asked Corey, who was sat on the sofa, closest to Eric's chair, that Chase was sat on, with Katie on his lap.
I chuckled at Katie, but realised what Chase just asked.
"What?" I asked, walking around the coffee table, sitting on the floor next to Scotty. I put my cup on a coaster and handed Scotty the bottle, so he could top his cup up.

"I used to live in Jade's old house. I lived there, when me and Cortney first met. I saw her walk in the garage, so I walked over and yeah..." Corey smiled. He looked out the window, when he mentioned Cortney. Poor guy...
I smiled, nodding. "Why'd you move out then? Helen said you had to move, but you ended up moving in here."
"I was gonna move to the other side of the city. I'd never see Cortney, as much as I did." Corey explained.
We all nodded.

"Gran said I have mom's old room." Katie said, resting her head on Chase's shoulder.
"Katie it's late. If you wanna go bed, then go bed." I told her.
"I would, but if this is a dream, that I'm with you guys, then I don't wanna go to bed." Katie made us all smile.
"I'll stay with you, so you know it's not a dream." Scotty smiled, looking up at Katie, as he sat by Chase's feet.
Katie smiled and nodded.

"That's true, though. You do sleep in Cortney's old room. Jeez, I remember first meeting her, like it was yesterday... We painted these walls." Corey looked around the room.
"Goals for future relationship." I whispered to Scotty.
He chuckled and nodded. Corey and Cortney. A love no one will ever, truly, understand.
"So, at one point, there were 3 people in this house, who's names were Sixx?" Chase asked.
"Sixx, Sixx, Sixx. I. hate. you." Katie looked at Chase, tiredly.
"Dude!" I laughed, taking a sip of soda.
"Have some respect!" Scotty laughed. Oh, Scotty and that accent of yours...

Scotty's P.O.V

Chase held his hands up for surrender, laughing, lightly. Katie shook her head at him and yawned. I looked at my watch, drinking some soda. It was 11:47. Damn....
"I'm tired too..." I took my headphones from around my neck, placing them on the coffee table. Everyone was outside, catching up, when Corey came in. He was getting a drink, but started talking to us.
Liam, Stitch, Lucas, Shiloh and August all went to their homes. They'd be back tomorrow, without a doubt.
"Shall we all go bed? It's late, in it?" Johnny asked, taking my arm, checking my watch.
I shook my head at him and we all agreed.

Katie hugged Corey and Corey walked back out back. We all got up and were about to head upstairs.
"Night, everyone!" Brenna and Stacy called, into the house. Corey must of told them.
"Night!" We all smiled.
We walked upstairs, Johnny taking Katie's bags, since she only had two.
We walked into Katie's room and she looked around. All of our favourite band posters, 3 CD racks, full of our favourite albums, a huge pile of Kerrang magazines, in a box, in the corner, by the door. All the furniture was black, with one of those round dome chairs, by the TV. Her room was split up in two. There was the sleeping area: the bunk bed was up against the back wall, near the window.
Then the 'living room area': The TV was opposite the door, facing the bunk bed, with the dome chair to the left of it, facing the door, and a futon opposite the TV, in the sofa position. The futon fell back, so when you were sleeping on it, your feet would be to the bunk bed and your head to the TV.
It was perfect for when we all stayed over. If we were up late, then we'd play some Xbox, just chilling. It was defiantly the 'go-to' area for us.

"Guys... I love it..." Katie smiled. She stood in the center of the room, where we had a Batman rug laid out. It was a small round one, that we moved to the side, when the futon was down.
"Glad you like it. I've got something similar at home, but I'm here a lot, these days." Chase smiled, climbing on the top bunk.
"Chase always has the top bunk, you can have the bottom." Johnny smiled at Katie.
"I said I'd bunk in with Kate, so you can have the futon." I smiled to Johnny.
"Awesome." Johnny nodded.
Katie smiled and opened her biggest bag. She pulled out her PJ's and walked to the bathroom, leaving her bags by the door.
We all got ready for bed and when Katie came back, every went to sleep.
Katie lay next to me, sleeping. She's changed... She was... perfect... Simply, perfect.
Now lets just see how much can happen in 3 weeks...

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