The Savior

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Maeve kicked Sirius's shin once she heard Remus yell that. Sirius stumbled backwards and cried out. "FUCKKK, Maeve you- WAIT!"
He cried. Sirius kept shouting out words of pain as Lily hexed him over and over. Maeve fell on the floor and Peter came up to her. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yes, I'm fine, Peter" Maeve replies sassily. She gets up and brushes herself off. By now, all the kids in Hogwarts were standing on their toes, trying to get a good view of the fight. Maeve had enough.

Maeve's POV
Anger rushed through my body until Lily grabbed my hand. I didn't realize it was a train of people. Lily led it. It went Lily, I followed Lily, Remus followed me, Peter followed Remus and Sirius and James followed in the very back until we got to the Gryffindor common room. "Unicorn Tails" Lily shouted at the portrait hole and everyone filed in. All the Marauders plopped on the floor in the corner and I sat on the couch. Lily stood in the middle if everyone. Remus sobbed silently into his own hands and Sirius and James smirked evilly. Peter just stared into nothingness like usual, probably thinking about chicken wings. And I just sat there, debating whether to burst into tears or break into a series of screaming.

Remus's POV
I sat on the floor with my best mates, it really wasn't Sirius's fault he didn't know I really liked her. I just ended up crying into my hands. Lily then spoke up. "Sirius you don't just kiss a girl without her permission. You could've really hurt her feelings" Lily said straight to Sirius's face. He sighed deeply. "Yea, but I didn't mean to-" He started but Maeve interrupted him by saying, "Well, you really did hurt me, mentally, Sirius I'm not attracted to you in any way and you probably hurt Remus, too."
      When I heard my name I looked up to see Maeve's sympathetic eyes looking at me. My face flushed, and I gulped and looked back into my hands. Damn, do I really like her..

***time skip after all the rest of the classes they have***

Peter's POV
I sat up in my bed and yawned. I heard Remus silently sobbing. I really hope he'll be okay. I get myself settled deeper into the bed and soon fall into a deep sleep, dreaming about soft taco shells dancing in the Great Hall.

James's POV
I'm really tired. After what happened today I wanted to kill Lily Potter, I mean, Lily Evans not Potter, that's my last name, I mean she is really hot and her beautiful long red hair that she ties in a purple scrunchy. "Oh, get over yourself James, she hurt your best friends feelings."  I said quietly to myself before getting more comfortable in my bed and falling into a light snore.

Sirius's POV
I sat silently on the edge of my bed thinking about Maeve. She was so attractive. But. She said to me," I'm not attracted to you in any way." I sighed and kept thinking about her. I sat up all night and I didn't realize it was already morning when I fell asleep on my bed.

Remus's POV
I lay curled up on my bed, the curtains closed, and I cried. I actually sobbed. I balled. I was devastated. I just felt like crying for no reason. I thought back to when Maeve actually looked at me with emotion for the first time. I didn't even know that she knew my name. I kept on crying until I finally cried myself to sleep.

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