b. brad the bright-eyed violinist

517 81 20

313 words n it's not rlly a poem s o :0
tw: death (implied suicide) & homophobia

brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy who thought he was better than everyone else, which was sad, and what was sadder was that i agreed with him at some point.

brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy who smiled too much, and he sometimes would giggle before coughing and sucking up his emotions, because too much emotion would make him gay... like me.

brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy whose eyes brightened even more every time he kissed me back in the attic of his home. his eyes were at their brightest when they glistened with tears, which was a lot.

brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy with straight grades, weak lungs and a love for the violin. the music he makes was more beautiful than the fog his breath produces, i'd insist, but he didn't care.

which was still fine, because brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy with an addiction to cigarettes and i was a hazel-eyed, gay boy with an addiction to kissing away the smoke from his lips with both of our eyes wide open.

brad was a bright-eyed, straight boy who had an angry father and fake friends and teachers with high expectations, and a secret boyfriend who loved yet hated his addictions and bright eyes and the hard mattress in the attic and the sound of the violin everywhere he went.

and bright-eyed brad, who pretended to be straight and cried a lot and smoked a lot more and coughed while writing on music sheets, never made it. his eyes stopped being so bright and he just faded away. it's just how the story goes.

it's either the angry father with his hard knuckles, or strings as sharp as the notes he played pressed against his wrists, or fake friends who discover secrets and conspire to do something cruel about it.

edited by zara, mia, helen, and sarah ❤️

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