Negan takes you captive

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*5 days ago*

You were walking through the woods trying to find your way back to Alexandria. You and the others got separated while trying to lure walkers away from your camp. You finally made it to the main road. It would now be easier for you to find your way back.

An hour or so into walking down the road, you heard a truck engine in the distance. As you heard it become closer and closer, you quickly grabbed your handgun and hid it in the sleeve of your jacket, so it was unable to be seen.
Suddenly, the truck appeared a couple feet away from you. At first you thought they wouldn't see you, and that they'd just drive past you; but instead they came to instant stop.

"Well, well, well. What do we have have here boys?" You heard one of the men sitting in the back of the truck say.

"What're you doing all alone out here huh?" Another one said.

You stayed quiet and kept your distance.

"Sweetheart, were talking to you."

You processed what to do in your head. You didn't want to be killed so you came up with the best decision you could think of.

You looked up from the ground at the men and started to tear up. You slowly raised your arms into the air, showing that you surrender.

"P-please don't hurt me." You muttered "I don't want any trouble."

The men just laughed at your cowardliness.

"Just grab her before she passes out." The driver rolled his eyes, as he ordered the other men.

You began to cry a little more as you began to bring your hands down to your sides again.
Before you brought your arms fully down, you gripped onto your handgun tightly, praying that you get some luck.

As the men began to hop out of the truck, you instantly pulled the trigger, taking down at least 4 of the men. As they dropped dead, you aimed your gun quickly at the driver and fired again. In a matter of 5 minutes, you managed to kill all five, armed men. You smiled to yourself confidently and continued down the road to Alexandria, like everything was normal.

            *5 days later*

You, Glenn, Rick, Carl, Abraham, Tara, and Maggie all went out for your annual run. Alexandria was getting low on food supply so the seven of you decided to make your way towards the abandoned super market located a couple miles away.
You and the group cut through the woods to get to the super market quicker because it was already getting dark, meaning it would be harder for you to spot walkers.

You were a couple miles deep in the woods when you heard various whistling from all around you. Rick stopped the group and looked around, as you all noticed people surrounding you.

"RUN!" Rick yelled, instantly causing you all to take off running through the woods. 

Just when you thought you'd get away, you ran straight onto the path that was surrounded by  saviors.

You all stopped, panicking because you didn't know what to do.

"Nowhere  to run now" a man with longer blonde hair known as Dwight said  "on your knees. NOW"

The minute he said that, seven more of the saviors stepped forward and forced you and your group on your knees. You struggled to get free but the man keeping you down, held a gun to your head, threatening you.

"Time to meet the man." Dwight chuckled evilly as he walked over to a camper.

He slowly swung the door open as a very tall man wearing a leather jacket and red scarf stepped out. He slowly walked towards the group, into the light. His hands were covered by leather gloves  that matched his jacket, which was holding a baseball bat wrapped in what looked like barbed wire.

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