The Librarians and The Secrect of Ezekiel's Swagger

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AN: I was inspired by a video edit I saw on Instagram and couldn't resist writing this little piece.

Cassandra and Ezekiel had hidden themselves in a little hidden room in the library that had become their safe space. The two of them came here together whenever they needed to talk, or wind down after a mission. No one else knew. This room was their little secret.

This particular time, they had come to talk, to take their minds off of their latest mission. However what had started as a game of 20 questions turned into a rather complex discussion between the two of them...

"Okay, my turn to ask you." Ezekiel smirked. "What's your biggest fear?"

Cassandra looked down at the floor. "That's a hard one. If you'd asked me that before I became a librarian, I could have answered easily. Back then it was my tumour, the only thing holding me back. It constantly tormented me.
"Now, though, it's much harder. I'd probably say, either of us dying, before really getting to know each other." She looked back up at Ezekiel.

"What do you mean by that?" He was quite obviously confused. "We know each other really well."

"We both know that's not true." Cassandra answered. "I hide behind my tumour and my gift. You don't get to see the real me. The Cassandra underneath all the crazy smarts and mental illness.
"And you. You use your confidence as a defence."

Ezekiel scoffed. "I do not!"

"You're doing it right now!" Cassandra sang.

"So, you do know me. I use my confidence as a defence, and you know all the stuff I like, my hobbies and interests-including but not limited to stealing and pizza."

"I don't know why though. That's what I'm missing. The real Ezekiel Jones. Without all the swagger and the sarcasm." She retaliated.

Ezekiel inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. "Fine. You want to know the real me?"
Cassandra nodded. "The real me is still a scared little boy. I've always been the same. Once my mum died, my dad got abusive, and I lived in constant fear of the pain that would come as soon as I came home from school.

"By the time I was 12, I couldn't cope with the pain anymore. So I ran away, the fear of fists turning into a fear of starvation. So I learned to pick pockets. That's when I discovered my talent for thievery.

"By 16 I'd made enough from trading stolen goods that I could buy my own place. The fear of my actions catching up to me was born then. I knew there would be consequences for it, if anyone ever discovered all of the items I stole.

"Then, Flynn and Eve found me, and I trained to be a librarian. With you. Now I'm still scared all the time. But not for myself anymore. I don't care what happens to me. I'm always terrified for you. I don't know what I would do without you, and honestly, I can't remember how I survived without you before.

"The Ezekiel Jones you know is a product of years spent pretending not to care. I built a wall around myself, using confidence and wit, to make people think I'm a complete wanker, so no one will ever know how scared I am."

Cassandra stared at him in awe. "You never cease to amaze me Ezekiel Jones." She leaned forward and gently brushed her lips across his. "That was so brave of you. I'm so proud. And incredibly happy that you trust me enough to tell me that." She whispered against his lips.

She rested her head on his shoulder, and they sat there for hours, in silence. They didn't need to talk, they just enjoyed each other's company.

Eventually they heard Eve, Stone and Jenkins calling for them, and had to leave the safety of their secret room to help the others.

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