She who changes things

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A/N: I know the writing is a bit different, but that's because this is Caspar's POV now. Caspar is nowhere near as poetic as Joe, so bear with me while we read it in his POV


Mikey kept quiet for a second, "Not sure mate, I just didn't." Caspar didn't believe him, but he kept that to himself, hoping he could find out more about what Mikey knew.

If he knew anything about Joe and Hannah, would he tell Caspar? Only one way to find out, thought Caspar, as he gave two shits and asked what was on his mind:

"Why do you think they're hooking up?"

Mikey smiled, and for some reason, it chilled Caspar to the bone, "I just do," he said, and then the teacher asked them to be quiet. And Caspar couldn't have said a word even if he was allowed to, because someone had walked into the room and taken his breath away, leaving him speechless.

Caspar watched in awe as Joe walked into the room, moving as if he owned the whole damn school, the smell of his cologne and smoke engulfing him. He admired the way his muscles moved underneath his tee, and the way he kept his hands buried deep in his pockets.

Caspar stared as Joe walked, not making eye contact with anyone, as if he was too good for them, only to sit down barely three seats in front of him, and even from back there, Caspar could smell him. Cigarettes and something else, something he couldn't quite describe. He inhaled, breathing him in, and sighed as the class started.

Through it all, Caspar made a point of ignoring Mikey, and resumed to his favorite activity ever: try to figure Joe out.

He wondered about him, what made him the way he is, what made him laugh and if he ever cried, he wondered if there was a meaning to his tattoos, and how long it took him to get ready in the mornings. He wondered if he sleeps alone at night, and wether he likes to listen to pop music when he's alone in his room.

A very natural part of him wondered what else Joe does alone in his room, when is late at night and he's feeling lonely, and if he makes any sound. But he quickly pushed that thought aside, having less interesting things to focus on.

Joe was complicated, but knowing what he was about to do next was even more complicated. He didn't even know what he did during the day, unless he was actually seeing him. And even though their lockers were basically one on top of the other, they never ran into each other.

Now that he truly thought about it, Joe's locker was above his own, and if he had to step on his tip toes to reach his own, how did Joe, who was almost 9 in inches shorter, reach his? Did he even bring books with him anymore?

"What you staring at?" Asked someone, who sat behind him. Caspar jumped, not having expected it, and turned around, after flashing Mikey a look: 'Don't snoop, Bitch'

From behind him, a boy with cute, recently dyed hair, looked at him expectantly. He wore a charming smile in his bruised face, and he propped his head in his hands, probably because it was still very damaged and hurt a lot.

Caspar's gaze soften when he realized it was just Tyler, who still managed to crack a smile when he was around Caspar. Maybe he didn't smile as much, but he was always happy to see Caspar.

"Oh, you know. The teacher," he lied, and even though he knew Tyler had seen right through him, he didn't push it. Tyler shrugged it off, knowing Caspar couldn't deal with having his feelings questioned, especially if they were so dangerous.

Caspar stared at Tyler's bruised face. His feelings weren't the only dangerous thing at school, he thought, and a wave of hatred towards the punk king followed suit. "It's been two weeks, how come your face is still purple?" Caspar joked, and reached out a hand to take Tyler's.

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