Bathroom dreams

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A/N: im trying to deepen Caspar's character a bit more so here you have confused Caspar who dares to dream but not to act basically
Caspar woke up with a jolt, the remains of a too good to be true dream fading away, and he just about cursed the whole world when he realized he had been rudely woken up at 3 am by a phone call.

He didn't recognize the number, but when he picked up, he knew exactly who it was.

A drunk slur greeted him from the other side of the line. "Hey, Caspar, mate," he said, and Caspar could almost smell the alcohol that most likely lingered around his broad frame. "Hey, Alfie. What's up?" He tried to sound casual and not as if he was worried about the honorary punk calling him so early in the morning.

Alfie laughed from the other line. "You know how Louise told you today she wanted your help at the mall? On that big library she owns?" She hadn't gotten that far on the offer, Caspar thought. "Yeah, I remember. Why?" There were voices on the other side of the phone, Alfie had probably hit a bar. And if he had, Zoe was with him, and that meant that it was possible that Louise was with them too, and maybe, just maybe, Joe too.

"Well, why didn't you say yes," he said, dragging out the S's at the end. Caspar blinked for a second, and he could hear a snort on the other line and a faint "coward" and that was definitely Joe and his heart jumped. "I already have a job, Alfie," he replied, "Yes I know that Caspar, I am your boss," he laughed, and he could hear Zoe chiding him for the sarcasm and Joe comforting Louise for not having gotten a new employee. "Is that why you didn't accept, huh?" Alfie retorted.

Caspar swallowed. He wanted to be honest with his boss. To say that he didn't accept because he was scared and honestly he still is scared but maybe it's worth it but is too late. He wanted to say everything he had kept inside. Instead, he said yes.

He heard Joe's muffled voice from the other side "Liars go to hell, Caspar," he dragged out the vocals in his name and God his name sounded so much better in his mouth. "Well, are you sure about that? Joe here thinks otherwise," he said and he heard Joe's protests about letting Caspar know he was there. He was probably too drunk to realize he was speaking much too clearly and loud.

Louise laughed, and he heard her sweet melodic voice from the other end "Oh cut him some slack, will you? He was terrified by the offer!" Caspars insides froze, as if someone had just dropped a bucket of cold water on top of him and he couldn't feel anything he couldn't see anything he just couldn't. "I wasn't terrified, liars go to hell, Louise," he spoke, his voice way more calmer than his mind, and he heard the punks and zalfie laughing, all making fun of Joe because Caspar used his own words against Louise and damn that was smart, they said, damn he's got an attitude, Alfie piped in, worse than yours, Joe, said Zoe.

"I just don't have time for it, with school and my other job and all," Caspar explained, because it would've been easier to say the truth but it would be too weird now. He had ran off after the initial offer and now he was to take it back at 3 am whilst they were all drunk? What would they think of him. Unless they already thought so badly of him it didn't even matter. If they did, he didn't blame them.

They already thought him bigoted, and nasty, and rude probably and oh yeah, he had punched Jack Maynard in the fucking face, that had to count for something. Maybe, just as he did, they thought him the worst. And maybe that's why Louise had asked him to work with her. Maybe, just maybe, she saw this and wanted to see how things would play out when you put together people like these. Maybe.

Joe laughed from the other side of the line "Why did you even ask him to work with you? You know I wouldn't want that," he said and Caspar was suddenly curious as to why Joe cared about wether or not Caspar worked with Louise. "Say, Caspar," Alfie spoke up, covering up the conversation going on behind him. Caspar strained his ear to listen to the background.

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