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His head was ringing, white noise coming in and out of his mind. He thought he was going crazy when the white noise turned into a short tune of "Closer." It kept coming at 30 second intervals for a few minutes until he realized that it was a phone.

He looked around and saw the light shining brightly from the desk near the hallway. Yassi's face popped up and disappeared, revealing the text messages on the phone.


Yassi was watching Nadine pack her clothes neatly into her little suitcase. She hadn't said a word since Nadine dropped by her hotel room and asked her to come to her room with her. So there she sat, staring at her bestfriend wash off her feet and start packing.

Nadine felt the eyes on her every movement. She didn't want to hear Yassi, but at the same time she knew that everything that was boiling up in her was what she needed to hear.

"Are you gonna stare at me all night?"

"Oh, so you can talk?"



The two girls glowered at each other until Nadine broke it off, shoving her heels in the top compartment of the suitcase.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened back there or did you just make me come over her in the middle of the night for nothing?" letting her anger come out with every word.

Nadine didn't break though, "I wanted to spend one last night with my best friend, thinking she wanted to cherish this moment."

Yassi stood up, fuming at this point, "Nope. I don't want to cherish this moment, because my God, Nadine! You -- Ugh!"

"What do you want to know, Yas?" neatly folding her dress pants into a pile before placing them in.

"Nothing. Because I already know what happened. He told you that he loves you and you said it back, but you're still here packing a suitcase because somewhere in that fucked up head of yours, you think running away and hiding is still best solution!" breathing heavily, but giving Nadine a piece of her mind. "And we've all been very patient with you, Nadine. Very patient. But if you are still going to get on that plane tomorrow, or later, or whenever the fuck your flight is, then I will lose my patience to tell you this... It's good that you're leaving. He can move on and forget you."

Nadine lost it and started attacked Yassi. Yassi defended herself from the attack and the two girls screamed it out at each other.

"Go ahead! Hit me! Because you know I'm right!" blocking another slap.

"Putangina mo!! Whose side are you on?!" trying to pull at Yassi's hair.

Yassi started to become aggressive and pulled at Nadine's, "Yours! I've always been on yours! But if you don't even want to be on your own side, then what the fuck am I doing here?!"

"What does that even mean?!"

"You don't deserve him!" shoving Nadine off her. Luckily Nadine didn't attack anymore and just sat on the floor staring at Yassi. Yassi straightened up and angrily fixed her hair before continuing. "If you are just going to leave the man who has loved you for this whole time, then you are a coward and he deserves better than just waiting around for someone who can't even move forward! He doesn't deserve this. You don't deserve this! Neither of you deserved any of this and I refuse to let you get on that plane tomorrow because we all know that you both want this! So for God's sake, Nadine, grow some balls or a vagina -- I don't know... but if you get on that plane tomorrow... don't bother coming back."

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