|chapter 4|

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Christina's POV
Ok so since Ricky has to go to the best friends whenever set to rehearse he came in at 6:30 in the morning to wake me up and there one thing you should know I am not a morning person

"Chrissy wake up" Ricky said and I was laying there pretending to still be asleep

"Go away" I said as I put my pillow in my face

"Chrissy I have to be on set in an hour now get up" Ricky said then he walked out and I woke up

After Christina got up she went into her bathroom to take a 30
Minute shower and after that I went grab my clothes and what I picked out was a pink tank top and a black leather jacket and some blue jeans and a black belt and then some black boots to go with them and after I got dressed I curled my hair and pulled it into a half pony and then i grab some of my Loki bracelets and went out the room

As Christina went downstairs she saw Ricky on the couch watching the show full house I love that show then I told him that I was ready to go and he turned the tv off and we went to the set

At the set
When we got there I saw the big building and the big doors then I walked behind Ricky and when we went into the set it was huge like you wouldn't believe

"So how do you like it" Ricky asked

"It huge so who are your casting mates?" Christina said

"Oh glad you asked come with me" Ricky said then Christina followed behind him into a room with a lot of people then a girl with long black hair came up

"Hey Ricky who this?" The girl asked

"Landry meet Christina Harris she my adopted sister" Ricky said

"Hi" I said shyly

"Hey I'm Landry a big friend of Ricky how old are you?" Landry said

"I'm 14 15 next month" I said then shook he hand then I whispered to Ricky "is she your girlfriend?" I asked him

"No she not why don't you find something to do" Ricky said then I just shrugged my shoulders and went to call Holden because I bored at the studios

With Christina and Holden phone call
And Holden picks up at the second ring

Christina:hey it me Christina
Holden:hey Chris what up
Christina:nothing I'm just on the best friends whenever set because Ricky had to go rehearse
Holden:oh ok well do you want to come to my house and meet my family
Christina:sure but you brother said that you siblings has a band named r5 and that his band and your siblings band are in a competition is that true
Holden:yea it is but they are really nice
Christina:ok don't you mind picking me up because I don't have a car
Holden:wait you don't have a drivers license
Christina:no I'm only 14 years old
Holden:ok I will be there in a second

(A/N if your wondering who Holden looks like he looks like this)

(A/N if your wondering who Holden looks like he looks like this)

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