|chapter 15|

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Christina POV
This is the first day of talent show tryouts and I am super nervous I decided to dance to don't want it back so I go after school

After school talent show tryouts
When Christina entered the gym where the auditions were taking place at and she saw two judges there

"Hey I'm Christina Harris and I trying out for the talent show." Christina said

"Yes hello Christina ok why do you want to try out." One of them said

"Because I new here and also I wanted to and show my mad dance skills." Christina said

"Ok show me what you got" the other one said then Christina put in don't want it back and started dancing

(This is what her dance looked like⬇️)

After the dance

As Christina got done she looked at both of the judges and she saw that they both were smiling

"Christina Harris you made the cut.!" They both said then Christina jumped up and down

"Really! I wasn't totally expecting that!" Christina said then she shake both of the judges hand and went out the door running

Outside it is 4:00
When Christina ran outside she saw June and Hudson and Jeanette out there

"So did you make it?" June asked

"Yep!" Christina said then they all hugged her and she saw that Ricky was there waiting for her "well I should get going." Christina said

"Ok." They all said then she went to Ricky and got into the car

"So how did it go?" Ricky asked

"It went great I made the cut." Christina said

"Really that great I'm so proud of you so when is the talent show?" Ricky asked

"Next week." Christina said

"Ok." Ricky asked then they went home

One week later it is talent show night and everyone Christina knows came June Hudson Jeanette Holden Ricky Emery and Liam and even Landry and Lauren so she was backstage dressed in this ⬇️

•••One week later it is talent show night and everyone Christina knows came June Hudson Jeanette Holden Ricky Emery and Liam and even Landry and Lauren so she was backstage dressed in this ⬇️

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When they intercom came on the girl in a long pretty dress called her name

"Our first contestant we have is Christina Harris dancing to don't want it back" the girl said then everyone clapped and the curtains went up and I started to get anxiety but I shook it off and started dancing until half way through the song I started getting towards the edge of the stage and bam I feel of the stage and hit my head ready hard and it felt like I have blacked out so they stopped the music and one of the people that was hosting it went up to her

"Christina wake up." One of them said but their was no response then he shook her and she didn't wake up "I think she passed out someone call the hospital" the other one said then Ricky Liam and Emery came up to them

"We can take her you continue your talent show" Ricky said then they left with Christina to head to the hospital

What will happen yes this is what I planed for the ending so yea the next part will be in 3 parts so yea anyway hope you enjoy this

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