|chapter 16||part 1|

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Authors note
As they got to the hospital they walked in  and walked to the front desk

"Hello how may I help you three gentleman?" A nurse said

"Um yes well this is well our adopted sister well mine anyway she was in a talent show and she fell off the stage and hit her head real hard do you think you can see what wrong with her?" Ricky said

"Sure let me just take her and you gentlemen can sit in the waiting room until one of the doctors comes out ok" the nurse said as she grabbed Christina and put her in the little hospital rolling bed (forgot what they were called) and she went one way with Christina while the three boys walked into the waiting room

A few hours later and June Hudson Jeanette and Holden walked in because Landry drove them to the hospital

"Is my best friend ok!" June said

"I don't know we haven't heard anything about her yet." Liam said

"Oh shoot it doesn't take a doctor this long to check on the girl and tell them that there fine!" June said as she was pacing around until a doctor came out and June ran to the doctor

"Is she ok!?!" June said

"Get off me you lunatic." The doctor said then Hudson got June off of the doctor "anyway Christina she is fine but she did bump her head real hard and she may have temporary memory lost which means it may come back or it may not." The doctor said then June was screaming

"WHAT!!!!!!" June said

"It ok June. Can we see her?" Ricky said

"Sure two people at a time" the doctor said then he walked away

"I'm going first who coming with me?" June said

"I will she is my sister." Ricky said then June and Ricky both went back to the room and when they got there they saw that Christina was a awake so June ran up to her

"Oh I'm so glad your ok!!" June said as she was tackling Christina

"Get off me!" Christina said as she pushed June off her "that is so much better" Christina said then Ricky walked up to her

"Hey Christina how do you feel?" Ricky said

"Ok but my head hurts wait who are you two?" Christina said

Will Christina remember everyone find out in the next chapter bye

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