|Chapter 17||part 2|

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Christina POV
Who are these people and why are they in here

"What do you mean Christina." June said

"I mean who are you?" Christina said

"Christina you have to remember me remember I'm your big foster brother." Ricky said

"I want to remember but I can't I'm sorry." Christina said

"It ok come on June." Ricky said with a frown then June let go of his grip

"No I am not leaving until Christina remembers me!" June said acting like a lunatic

"June come on your acting like a lunatic." Ricky said

"Ok fine." June said then walked out

The next day
The best day passed and Ricky Emery and Liam were on their way to see Christina so when they got their they checked in and went to room 234 and they saw that she was asleep and so they sat their until she woke up and after 30 minutes she woke up

"Um who are you and why are you in here?" Christina said

"What do you mean were to here to see how you are doing." Emery said

"I know but wait aren't you forever in your mind?" Christina said

"Yea why you knew that." Ricky said

"I know but I can't remember I'm sorry." Christina said as she frowned then the doctor came in

"Ok she can go home now but I need one of you to sign these papers so she can go home." The nurse said then Ricky signed them

At home
When they got home she walked into the house

"Wow this is where I live?" Christina said looking around and smiling

"Yep." Ricky said then Christina sat in the couch

"What is that big window over there?" Christina said

"That is a tv you watch shows on there." Ricky said

"Oh ok." Christina said

"Hey why don't we do some things to see if it will jog your memory want to go in a TV set?" Ricky said

"Sure." Christina said then they left

On the set of best friends whenever
When they got there Christina got out and she was speechless at the big doors

"Woah" Christina said then they walked in then a few people crowed around Christina

Hey Christina how are you feeling" a girl with long hair asked

"Good I guess but who are you all?" Christina said

"Oh I forgot you have temporary memory loss" Landry said

"I want to remember but I can't I'm sorry." Christina said again

"That the third time she said that." Ricky said

"What does it mean?" Landry asked

"It could mean that she feels guilty that she can't remember us." Ricky said

"Yea but will she ever get her memory back?" Landry asked then they both looked at Christina who had s donut on her nose

Will Christina get her memory back in the next chapter find out and sorry if these are getting horrible now I am having horrible writers block right now so yea well bye

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