The next day-okay, night actually- Sasuke killed a rabbit with his Chidori and I found some herbs-okay well, Zetsu Salad Banana found the herbs then told me where they then i picked them and cooked them-and we ate that. We didn't have salt but the herbs made good seasoning.
Sakura didn't even try to start the fire. Instead she whined about it until Sasuke started the fire.
Kakashi leaned against a tree while the rest of us sat around the fire. No one spoke for a long time.
I ate my fill then flipped onto my back and stared at the stars.
Sakura gave me a weird look. I peered into her thoughts. She was thinking of the conselations and stories i'd told her the night before. She was wondering where I came from, where my parents were, who had raised me...questions that I couldn't answer for different reasons.
I stared and the flames.
After a while Sakura fired her battery of questions at me. I didn't answer any of them. She kept asking.
"Sakura, if she doesn't want to talk about it she doesn't have to." Kakashi told her gently.
"What secret could she have that she can't tell about?" Sakura snapped.
Naruto winced. He was thinking of the Nine Tails inside of him and how everyone had shut him out because of it. He wondered if I had a secret like his.
sorry about the short chapter, my moms yelling at me. i'll upload a longer chapter later.