Siwon calls for EUNHAE...

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Donghae and Eunhyuk's Room... 

Siwon went to the 1st room where Donghae and Eunhyuk were staying. 

"Eunhyuk... Donghae... Open up guys." He knocked on the door and called out their names. It took about a minute for Eunhyuk to open the door. 'What's taking them so long?!' Siwon thought to himself.

"Why Siwon? Is something wrong?" Hyuk asked as he opened the door. He hair was messy. He seemed like he was sleeping. When he went inside their room, he saw Donghae with the covers all over is body but the other bed was untouched. 

"Were you guys sleeping together again on the same bed?" Siwon looked at Hyukkie with amusement. 'Aish! This two are really into skinship! Who can deny Hae when he's too adorable for his own good!? Eunhyuk's lucky!' 

"Hae said he was cold and needed someone to warm up his bed so we just decided to sleep together. I mean, side by side on the bed." He tried to explain the situation to Siwon. 'What the fuck did I just say?!' I just suddenly spoken out without giving it much thought.' Hyuk mentally cursed!

"Riiiiiiiight... As if I would believe that?!" The other said skeptically looking at the figure on the bed and back to Hyuk.

"Seriously Siwon! We didn't do anything! I promise! We're best friends and we normally do this you know!" He defended himself and Hae. Not wanting his friend to think of other reasons why they were sleeping on the same bed. Siwon's expression made him think otherwise. 'Normally do this?! Gahd! That did not sound right! But we're best friends so it's only natural!' Yes. That's it. 

"Relax Hyukkie. I was just playing with you guys. You were always close with each other enough to sleep 'side by side' as you put it. So you don't have to look so defensive. Can I join you next time?!" He saw Hyuk's bewildered expression. 'What the fuck is Siwon thinking?!' He can't help but put on a pissed off look on his face.

"Hahaahahaha... You should've seen your reaction man! I'm just joking. Now, move aside Hyuk. I'll wake Hae up and check if he's really sleeping and naked underneath those sheets." Hyuk nodded to him then he went near the bed and shook Donghae's shoulders. 'I have nothing to be guilty or defensive about. Go check all you want Siwon!' Was what he wanted to say but decided to just let the man see for himself.

"Yah! Donghae! Wake up! Heechul hyung is calling for us all at the living room." He suddenly grabbed the sheets and yanked it off. He saw the sleeping figure with every clothing on his body intact and no sign of it being put back on. Now it was safe to say that they were just really sleeping 'together' and did not do anything funny. He let out a breath of relief. 

"Why Siwonnie!?! I'm still sleepy!" Hae whined from the bed. Putting the covers back up to his chin and turning the other side. 

"Heechul hyung is bored and wants to play. He told us that we'll know about it once we get there. I'm going to call Kyu and Minnie as well so better get your ass off the bed and got to hyung in the living room before he shouts again!" Siwon explained to the two guys in the room. 

"What if we don't want to play Siwon?" Hyuk asked from the side. 

"Then all hell will break loose Hyuk! He said he'll make our lives a living hell tonight." With that said, both guys had a horrified expression on their faces knowing what that meant. Hae immediately got the covers off himself in an instant and sat on the bed trying to get his wits together. 

"I guess we have to go Hyukkie." Hae finally said. 

They have no other choice but to play with their hyung. Both guys were just sleeping because they were also bored and had nothing to do that afternoon. 

"I know Hae. Let's go!" With that said, Hae stood up from the bed and fixed his bed hair in front of the vanity mirror.

"All set Hyukkie." Hae smiled at him then at Siwon.

Donghae and Eunhyuk met with their eyes, looked at each other then nodded. 'Might as well do what Heechul hyung wants or else he will go diva mode on them.' Both guys were thinking that in their heads and proceeded to go out of the room with Siwon going to the living room. 

"We're going ahead Siwonnie. Hurry and call the other two so we can start playing."  Donghae told him and he just simply nodded.

While walking to the living room.

"I wonder what Chullie hyung wants to play Hyukkie." He asked as they were walking side by side. 

"I have no idea Hae but I have a bad feeling about this." Hyuk said reluctantly.

"Awww... Hyukkie!!! I'm sure it's going to be fun since Hyung wanted to play it! Don't worry!" Hae said happily on the side and clapped his hands excited for the game to start. 

"That's exactly why I'm worried Hae!!! This is Heechul hyung we're talking about!" Hyuk said with a bit of nervousness to his words. 

"Okay... Okay... I know what you mean. Here we are."

At the exact same moment. They entered the living room with Heechul sitting down on the floor spinning the bottle of beer. 

"What took you guys so long?! Sit down both of you. We're waiting for the other three to be able to start." Heechul said while looking up at the two guys from his position on the floor. 

"What are we gonna play Heechul hyung?" Hae asked at the same time Hyuk looked at his hyung to know the answer as well.

"Spin the bottle with truth or dare my dear EUNHAE. I'll explain the rules later when we're complete. Just make yourself comfortable." Heechul looked at them mischievously while grinning. 

"Ne hyung." Both boys answered and  just looked at each other not quite sure of how the rules will be.

"Sounds fun hyung!" Hae said while smiling since he was always oblivious to what is happening around him while Hyuk just looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. 'If it's Heechul hyung's rules. I wonder what will be in store for us!' Hyuk thought to himself.

"Oh it will my dear fishy. It will." With that said. All three of them sat on the floor waiting for the others to arrive. 


How did you like the first chapter guys?!

Of course the next one will be Siwon calling KYUHYUN and SUNGMIN... Kekeke... 

I wonder what they're doing... Hmmmm... Look out for the next chapter... 

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Thank you! :)) <3

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