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Senbly "mum why did you die?
Don't leave me!  Please dad died and now you no please don't leave me"

Name- Senbly
Age- 13
year- year 8
Eye colour - brown
Hair colour - dark brown
Gender - girl

© 2017 WattpN

Senbly's POV

My name is Senbly I am 13 years my mum died and my dad *cries* Sniff*... I don't know how to explain.. this.  *cries*

I now live with my granny and grandpa because theirs no where else to live*sniffle* ..
I will be moving to America.. In L.A.. I'm happy and sad :(
This is because my parents won't coming they ..d.. I. e. d. ..and I'm happy because I'm moving countries but when I'm 17.
That's all I can say :( *cries*

4 years later...

Cliffhanger- so readers what do you think of this prologue? I stopped their because that's when Senbly turns 17 and moves to America in L.A . In chapter one it will be interesting kind of anyways..._________.....
Comment and vote of what you think of prologue and what might happen next.


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