chapter 2

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(Not edited)  enjoy! ^Senbly's clothes picture above ^^
Senbly's POV

As I was dreaming, I felt a nudge in my shoulder which made me wake up.
In my blurry vision I was waking up to see my Granny dividing the curtains.

Granny" sweetie pie, common wake up, rise and shine. Today is your first day in school. "
My granny said as she was getting out my school clothes.

Granny" common now get up and have a fresh shower. "
She said as she was now going through her wardrobe to pick clothes for herself.

My grandpa was asleep so granny and I didn't bother him.

I went to the toilet first to brush my teeth then get into the shower. In the shower their we're vanilla scent shampoos and soap.

I washed my self probpely. I then dried myself .

I walked other my bed to grab my clothes and change in the toilet.

My granny is good at clothing.
She prepared me;  a converse, red skinny jeans, white t-shirt, bracelet, Jean jacket and a brown leathery bag.

I was prepared for good now.

Senbly" granny what time do I start school? " I asked as I was brushing my dark brown hair.

Granny" you start at 9:00Am no need to worry its only 7:00Am and I got all of the things you need in hand" she said proudely, now I was tying my hair in a bun.

Granny" breakfast is downstairs now come down".

Me and granny went downstairs and still left granndpa to sleep.

As we went down stairs we saw people pass by and some going upstairs to their rooms.

Me and granny went to the dining room in the hotel to eat breakfast.
I served myself egg, toast and tea.
After I finished the time was 8:30 Am. But I was, actually lucky because their was school bus waiting.

Granny" hurry, princess and don't do nothing bad" my granny said pointing my finger at me.

Senbly" OK granny" I said ok a bit longly.

I went in the school bus and soon it was driving by.
But one question came to my mind and it was how will high school be?.
My question drifted of as more student came on the school bus.

Driver" EVERYONE OUT WERE HERE! " the bus driver shouted.
I came, out of the school bus and went in the school (I came into my high school).

I'm so sorry readers Ive stopped here cuz I actually ran out of ideas. But please grant my wish as I do yours to cuz I published 2 chapters in a day. So my wish is
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Oh and why did Senbly , say Omg?

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