chapter 1

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Here's a chapter
Not edited

©2017 WattpN

4 years later...

Senbly's POV

As 4 years passed I forgot about my parents.
But I needed to stop crying every time I remember them I remember my mum said as she was dying "senbly dear.. *cough* remember be strong no matter *cough * what happens, remember be... *cough* stro.... "

When my father died he didn't say these words because he went holidays every time but never forgot my mother I used to remember when people used to say I'm daddy's girl I loved it.

But that's the past I'm now here in L.A in America.

Police checkup L.A 1- " Ma'm may I please ask where do you come from?  The police checkup said as he was stamping our passports.

I intruppeted.
Senbly " Great Britain, we came from Great Britain" I said to the police check up as he was now entering our names to the system.
The police check up now nodded which he imfromed us we may go.
My grandpa,grandma were now helping me carry out the laggage.

As we went out the cold breeze hit my face in pitch black night. Their were lots of people out  the airport. Some going in the cabs. I was thinking how America will run?  I snapped out of my thinking as my granny patted my shoulder and said;
Granny- " sweetie pie, our cab is waiting for us let's go".

Me my granny and grandpa went in the cab we only had 3 bags.

Driver " -Sir, where to"?
Grandpa"- to 'Olivia's grass hhOtel' ".

Granny and I sat at the back and grandpa next to the driver.
I was admiring the buildings and shops and some cars too.

It was silent and comfortable I loved it but my stomach had to ruin it , I said to my self I will it when I get to the hotel.

Granny - " sweetie pie,  we are nearly their don't worry I will cook you food". My granny said as she was licking her lips I can tell she was hungry too.

Driver " so were here, that will be 10$ please". He said in his best America accent.

My grandpa handed him 10 dollars and then I unbuckled my seat belt.

As I entered the out of the car again the breeze hit my face.  I looked up to see the stars shining in the pitch black sky.

Senbly" grandpa what time is it? " I asked curiously.

Grandpa" it is.. Ooh my goodness it is.. 10:30pm".
Wow I said I didn't know time flies in America.

Anyways I went out.  OMG. WOW the hotel was so....big and luxurious.

We went in the hotel It was amazing.

Reception Lady " hi,how may i help you?" The receptionist asked in a best American accent and greeted us with a warm smile.

Grandpa" we, came here for our rooms." Grandpa said tiredly and he yawned.

Reception lady" oh I see, Miss and Mr Vinby?  Am I right..? "
The reception lady asked looking at each of us.

Grandpa " yes thats correct".
Grandpa said and again yawned he was so tired.

Reception lady" room number 658, and's your door key number" she said and us our key and then winked at me I responded with a smile.

We went to our rooms straiggt away   and threw our bags at the bed and sleeper together and I sighed what a day today after that I let darkness take over me.

Next day...

Cliffhanger for next day
So what do you think of this chapter?  I know not interesting but keep reading and it will get better don't forget to grant my wish share  ,comment, vote and follow....
I know the story was short but it will extend as I publish more chapters!  See u:)

The new girl  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now