Chapter 3

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~Amelia ~

" Ortello!, Ortello!" I called him.

"What happened this time?"

"As always,and I told her to bring an unconscious body as host for the ritual"

"She knows it's for the ritual?"

"No my queen"

"How does she get home?"

"I always kill her because she is not part of the coven, yet"

"Thank you for the information. You're dismissed."

He floated away.

I am Amelia Trent ,Vanessa's mother. I am all right as you can see I'm not kidnapped. There's a lot that needs to be told about me and how evil I can be.
Well,let's start with the part that I don't love Dylan. I was never in love with him. In our coven we don't marry other beings only witches or humans but I disobeyed the law and married Dylan a vampire. I did it because of power and my father was very proud of me. I hate Dylan so much because he's from the 'Black blood coven' (it's actually his mom who's from the coven because vampires don't belong to covens) he is so powerful and he doesn't even know it. I tried to extract his witch powers but I could not because a witch can only extract the powers the person uses most and that was vampire speed. It was worth it anyways. When I returned I gave the vampire speed to all the members of my coven. It's very useful because we can now move really fast.

Now,why I dislike Vanessa is because she is more powerful than my dad because of the mixture of her father's power, my power, and my father's power.

I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying so let me start with the basic coven rules

Nightmare coven

*can marry only witches or humans.

*power skips one generation.

Black blood coven

*can marry vampires, witches and humans.

*power doesn't skip any generation it moves on.

Darkness coven

* can marry any being at all

*power skips ever two generation get it right. The power-

"The body has been brought for the ritual" ortello informed me.

"You know what to do just take the blood and sacrifice it to the god of the underworld simple."

"Forgive me my queen,I thought you would like to partake in the ritual" He apologized.

"I have bigger plans"

"The god of the under world has been faithful to us,everything works in our favour"

"Indeed and that means that this will work in our favour. Vanessa's power will be mine"

Pretty harsh. I thought she was the perfect mother but it turns out the opposite.
Sorry for the long update and see you in the next chapter.

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